What is a raw food diet
Any Four of the Tarot - the stabilization process, disciplined thought, to find like-minded people. Tradition.
In the negative position - periods of lethargy, sleep and oblivion.
The human body consists of billions of cells, and these cells are in need of food.
Enzymes, or enzymes (from Lat. Fermentum - sourdough) - specific protein catalysts that are present in all living cells. They participate in nearly all biochemical reactions occurring in any organism. Directing and regulating metabolism, they play an important role in the sustenance of the body.
In 1814, Russian chemist K. Kirsgof opened the enzymatic action of aqueous extracts of germinated barley starch to break down sugars. His work marked the beginning of enzymology as an independent branch of biochemistry.
All enzymes are divided into two groups - one-and two-component. The action of enzymes depends on the structure of the substrate on which an enzyme acts. On the recommendation of iub all the enzymes are divided into six classes. Each enzyme has a corresponding code in the international classification.
Peculiar to each organism a set of enzymes is predetermined genetically, but it may change under the influence of external and internal factors - mutations that cause "molecular" disease.
Enzymes are the body - complex substances that promote digestion and absorption of blood. Argue that even enzymes digest the foreign (cancer) cells. At temperatures above 47 ° C the enzymes lose their properties.
Most rich plant foods raw enzymes. People, whose diet prevails cooked and preserved foods, lack of enzymes in the body. Their life processes are slow. When food is raw plant foods in the blood of many enzymes, all the metabolic processes (protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals) occur actively and economically.
In seeds of enzymes are "dormant", while maintaining their properties for a long time.
Our body is composed of many substances, including oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, chlorine, silicon, manganese. If they are not in the cells in the right quantity, the balance is disturbed and the person becomes ill. To maintain the health of the diet should consist of fresh raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
Symbolic aspect. On the field Arkan scene from a fairy tale "The Turnip." All pulled turnip: Dedkov for turnip, Grandmother - for Dedkov ...
Divination aspect. At loss of Arkan you need to think about the balance of enzymes in the body and maintain your health raw food diet.
What is the importance of starch and sugar
Starches and sugars - carbohydrates - the main source of energy. Figuratively speaking, they are - the fuel for our muscles, the source of physical activity. Their abundance in the body turns into fat. Carbohydrates in plants through photosynthesis, are transformed into sugar, then - into starches. Employed person, they are once again converted into sugar - glucose - to power the cells. Therefore, there should be only natural starches and sugar, and avoid eating foods such as refined sugar or white flour bread, cakes, etc.
Symbolic aspect. The idea is taking shape. The idea to take shape. Understanding awareness in spirit and flesh. Practical knowledge, skills, strength, resourcefulness, boldness, audacity, courage - what makes a hero tales reach rivers of milk with milk and honey. This picture is the symbolic aspect of Arkan.
Divination aspect. At loss of Arkan eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, beans, peas and rice.
Negative Arkan indicates that the level of starch and natural sugars in your body broken.