What is an emotion
If you want to hear a direct answer to the question, what emotion , better not to ask a psychologist and writer. The official response to the psychologist is: "I do not know"; note, scientists have concluded that emotion consists of at least five different components. For example, in the case of the "enthusiasm" is:
1) physiological (heart beats in anticipation);
February), expressive (eyes wide open in surprise);
3) behavioral (cry: "I can not wait any longer!");
4) cognitive (feeling great achievements in knowledge);
5) test (comprehension of all listed).
It may seem that you are no longer know what the emotion, but at least now you are able to give an answer that gives the majority of psychologists. The best way to impress the interlocutor knowledge of the nature of emotions - stress that the first scientific study in this field conducted by none other than Charles Darwin in "The expression of feelings in people and animals" in the 1872. This book will give one hundred points ahead any work written over the next 130 years, it contains lots of explanations of gestures and facial expressions, as well as the impressive images of the Victorian era gentleman in various poses and overexcited Alsatians.
American psychologist Paul Ekman has done a great job and the result showed that many innate emotions are the same for all people in the world and some animals (probably not cats, who only know how to pull off something). This fear, anger, disgust, surprise and happiness, known as basic emotions. Each of them is characterized by peculiar facial expression and the activity of certain brain regions. But if you had to experience all the emotions during one party, it becomes not so simple. If you think that psychologists uncovered the mystery of human emotions, you will be interested to know that there is still much more complex: wine, pride, nostalgia and an internal lift after doing something with their hands, that's different and not explain it.

The psychologists involved in research with pleasure happiness, laughter and smiles, perhaps because they are trying to find a formula that would increase their number. Why not? People who laugh often, seem to be nice and attractive. They also had higher stress levels, stronger immune system and is less pronounced sensitivity to pain. But as you have already noticed, in the rush hour is not so easy to laugh. If the children laugh about 400 times a day, adults - only some 18. Perhaps this happens because of the fact that children innate need for the game, through which they learn social rules and establish relationships. This is seen in mammals and birds: the chimpanzee (and even rats) publishes some semblance of laughter during the game, although a regular observer rat "laughter" suspiciously like a squeak.
Know all these things are certainly useful, but the question arises: can psychology really help people become happier? Fortunately, the laughter and smiles are contagious, and there are real data about the epidemic of laughing, struck the whole settlement in Africa. To measure the infectiousness of laughter a psychologist conducted an experiment: in the mall, he smiled to hundreds of completely unknown people, and counting the number of smiles received a response. It turned out as much as 40%. Therefore advise his listeners to smile, and almost half of the world will smile back. Psychologists say that the usual emotions help people to communicate and empathize more. But if emotions are very strong, they block the control centers in the brain (the anterior frontal lobes) and violate the normal way of thinking.