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What is first impression

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What is first impression?

As the saying goes: "Meet on clothes, and escorted to the mind." What is first impression? Imagine that you come to a meeting with a stranger. What do you think how much time he can you assess? Only 7 seconds we unconsciously draw conclusions about the other person! During this time he can understand: you are interesting for it is not interesting, attractive or not like - not like a clever - stupid. Of course, he does so on the basis of its own system of values and tastes. Imagine, enough to throw a quick glance, and a definite opinion already formed.

In reality, our personality can be completely unrelated to that image, but this idea is born as a result of our behavior, and the judge will be on it. From what the first impression? With the help of words transferred 7% of the information, and sound equipment (including tone, intonation) - 38%, facial expressions, gestures, postures (nonverbal samopredyavlenie) - 55%. This means that it does not matter what man says and how he does it. In the process of communication 60% -95% of information is transmitted non-verbally: the tone, timbre, pitch, speed, intonation, your appearance, clothes, your posture, your face, your smile, or lack thereof. And also your mind, movement, gait, depth and speed of your breathing, gestures during the conversation, nodding and shaking his head, the direction of the hands and feet touching during conversations, handshakes and hugs.

Surely you know that if people do not like when we first met, it affects the future attitude toward it. Conversely, if, immediately liked, is located, then the next want to see him and closer. As they say, get a second chance to make a first impression of striking you will not! In business, there are certain techniques that help to gain the rights. They are used to establish a trusting relationship with the client. When the trust is obtained, we can say 95% of the transaction will take place.
In everyday life we also use a certain image that effectively works for us. At the first meeting put on a beautiful dress, wanting to make a stunning impression. If we need to look at a business meeting easier, so that the client does not charge up, then dress modestly. Men, wanting to impress women, they buy expensive cars, foreign cars. But it so happens that in the hectic lives we forget how to look like what they see and how to appreciate our surroundings. Gait is sweeping and fast, since the rhythm of life dictates its own terms.

She likes to wear convenient and comfortable - jeans and a sweater to soften the hard work and not burden themselves costume. Thus, we will gradually merge with the crowd, losing its identity and cease to think about how we perceive the people around them. And it is - not the only way to lose appeal. So, if the surrounding often you come to any particular way that you do not like, you know that you are provoking them by their behavior. Unconscious human actions can affect the perception of him and his image. We give an example of unconscious actions: the habit of twisting things, scratching his nose, wind the hair on my finger, correct clothing, pull up pantyhose, picked his nose, clean clothes, collect non-existent lint, remove and put on the ring, unconscious facial expressions or tone of voice (remember the movie "Miss Congeniality "with Sandra Bullock? most unattractive unconscious influence was her laughter) wont finish sentences for the person or does not respond to his cues and so on.

So, our task is to learn how you form your image. For this exercise you will need the courage and curiosity. If the first impression of you was positive and did not cause any negative, then everything is fine, then you can skip this chapter. And if your partner said that something in you repulsive, it is worth while to understand the basis on which you build your image. It is very important to understand that your interlocutors of politeness can not tell you the truth, so when a preliminary agreement with the people of this experiment should be honestly discussed (such as the Internet or a written instruction to transfer through a friend), what is important is an honest perception, not embellished politeness, as each participant of this experiment is most important truth.

Nonverbal cues

Man pays great attention to the nonverbal signals we send to him: facial expressions, postures, gestures, tone of voice, and the smallest part to the words. Let's look at these non-verbal manifestations. Mimicry - a movement of facial muscles, and this is the main indicator of our senses. When stationary or invisible face buddy lost up to 10-15% of the information, so emotional than you speak, the more attention is attracted. Facial expressions you express the basic emotional states: anger, joy, fear, sadness, surprise, disgust. And though every emotion expressed in the configuration of the whole person, the main load are informative eyebrows and lips. Remember the mime: the actors convey to us the story without words, through the senses, through facial expressions. Remember the character of the theater - the mask: they depict different positions namely the lips and eyebrows.

Try to answer yourself: how much you are willing to disclose the soul before the others? If you are in any particular situation it is important are appearances, then you can build an image in accordance only with its demonstrated self. However, it is important to understand that those needs and traits of your personality that you hide from others, in this case would be neither seen nor respected. For example, if you - the person vulnerable and want to be treated carefully, but they hide their vulnerability and pretend that you are - a man strong and tough, it will treat you like a strong man and admits to a very frivolous appeal, and You'll smile in response, and pretend it's fun, but when he got home, cry and suffer, feeling offended.

In any case, from you on how you see yourself by positioning depends on how others perceive you. Therefore, you should choose the most suitable option "feed itself". You want to see everything around "business woman" or "mother of the family", "blue stocking" or "sexy babes", and maybe a successful specialist "or" loser "? How would negatively nor heard some role, but they have a benefit! Perhaps you follow some of them unconsciously in pursuit of their unconscious goal? Ask someone from your family help you to sort clothes, let the prompt from the way you look at the available clothes, what kind of person you perceive. Check whether this image of what was intended by you.

Choosing clothes

There are certain rules when choosing clothes. Clothing should emphasize your strengths and hide weaknesses. This means that if you really like some sort of thing, but it you are not very advantageous to look, you better look for something else. Look for that love and right for you. The same outfit can look differently on different people. For example: if you have neck is short and wide, you'd better wear clothes with a plunging neckline, which will visually lengthen it. To legs seemed longer, and rise above, wear trousers under heeled shoes, the length was 2cm above the bottom of the heel. In order to decide upon the colors, you can apply with typed the seasons. The description of these tsvetotipov you will find in the popular literature on stylistics. This combination of color, eyes and hair, divided into four types: tsvetotipy "winter", "Spring, Summer and Autumn. Be sure to try to trim things that are appropriate to the image, the image and style you choose, starting from how to you should treat people.
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