What is happiness?
Delineation of the "welfare" and "happiness" is artificial, in practice, you can not always tell the difference between these philosophical concepts. We will try to sort out their theoretical differences. Speaking of "good" (in German «Wohl»), we mean the ability to avoid the strained relations, the desire for health, pleasant state, the absence of stress. In addition, we include in this concept is the opportunity to feed themselves, to protect from rain, heat, cold and other adverse climatic conditions, the existence of a fearless, adequate availability of sexual gratification is normal and not hard work of all physiological mechanisms.
Consequently, the "benefit" means the satisfaction of all inclinations, which is not spent too much pressure, as well as possession of the necessary minimum living space. But such a concept should not be taken only from a physiological point of view. Sense of community and authoritative position in it, a sense of security and confidence that you're not black sheep, good relationships with family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances, too, are prerequisites for good. It is obvious that the strained relations with others, discontent, hysterical, anxiety, hatred, irreconcilable conflicts, painful search for truth, to find that virtually impossible, the fanatical opposition to God, the experience of confrontation with evil and death do not fall within the concept of "good."
In addition, many believe that the good man must take care of the state, which is why you can often hear references to "the state of the public good." Of course, the disease is also not good. In any case, physiological and mental state of a healthy person is much better than being sick. In my interpretation of the famous words of the prayer "Our Daily Bread Give us this day" should actually be understood as a request to send down blessings correlate which is the so-called happiness (German «Glück»). Thus a person with a certain amount of material and social values, in other words, wealth is considered lucky.
In contrast, the notion of worldly happiness, we would like to introduce the term "happiness, salvation" (German: «Heil»), related primarily to mental health. For example, the Christian religion was trying to bring happiness to mankind, preaching no luck and measured life in abundance, and search for God, who, say, a philosophy referred to as the search for truth and meaning. According to the Christian idea, in this world can not achieve complete happiness, because the burden of human sin, the fear of death, a sense of distance from God.
Like the existence of many philosophies and religions, and there are innumerable ways to gain happiness. Ultimately, everyone must choose their own path, but they all share some common traits. So, I do not know how to avoid confrontation with suffering and death. Great mifologema for Christians is the life of Jesus Christ, the deeds, the suffering and death to symbolize the path of happiness and inevitably lead to the bosom of Christ, the Heavenly Father. As for the suffering and horror, even the crucified Jesus could not immediately ascend to heaven, and spent three days in hell. Buddhists call nirvana of happiness. However, before one can achieve it, he will be faced with illness, old age and death. What is happiness?
We can hardly say that such happiness, or at least imagine it, because it - the state, lasting for one moment, which reaches its climax in the religious and philosophical experiences. But there are moments at sunset, or bathe in the church during a baptism or a colorful fair, when I suddenly felt a divine thrill and surprise yourself you realize that you understand why we live. Welfare and happiness of contradict each other. The path to happiness in everyday sense of the word does not include the need for suffering. Benefit urges us to be happy and not ask questions that we are unable to resolve. Happy man sits down at the family table in a circle of friends and enjoy nutritious lunch. A person who seeks happiness, salvation comes in the confrontation with the god, the devil, the world, and death, although he could escape from it.