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What is humility

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What is humility?

"Humility - the priest's word for it!" - Would have said Gleb Zheglov, Popular Action. After all of that virtue, first of all, teach parishioners priests. But we have often a different view. "Be humble!" - Tells his master the slave. "No way!" - Meets a proud Spartacus. We, the people of the XX century, taught that humility is a sign of weakness. If we understand by the word limply dropping hand, the rejection of attempts to change something in yourself, then it is really weak. But true humility - it is something completely different. It is humility that allows a person to take over the world for what it is. That is to accept the need to change themselves, not the world. What is humility?

Humility - it is a human condition, in which he takes place outside of itself without any criticism, without trying it in any way to change. This property of the person gives a person the opportunity to reject attempts to change something external to themselves and to take action aimed at adapting to this world. This quality is the basis of all learning, whether it be walking, training, skills, numeracy, or such complex behaviors like learning in school, work in manufacturing. As you can see, humility is directly related to the usual "secular" life, which leads each of us.

Humility is necessary to man each time you want to learn something new. In this case, all more or less trouble. The schoolboy, not accustomed to doing "grunt", a boring part of the work can not be reconciled with the need to do their homework, with the requirements of parents and teachers. Because of this "smallness" as a lack of humility, a child can not fully display their talents and get a decent education. When you're playing sports, master the new moves, tricks, you'll also need humility. It is humility that allows the student to relax, stop resisting mentor and gradually learn a new skill, to get the desired result.
Especially important to learn humility, to people who are determined to get rid of the addiction. In the process of recovery from drug addiction is often the case that the patient within the first days in the rehabilitation program wants to stop treatment and leave. Other patients explain to him that if he finds the strength to endure a little bit and come to terms with the need to perform unfamiliar rules, we will soon all change. After some time the former "rookie" remember with gratitude the people who called on him to accept and reach the end.

For other diseases humility to those restrictions that imposes on human healing process, also contributes to successful recovery. Thus, the sick woman, resigned to the fact that she can not eat animal products, has become an absolute vegetarian and was able to continue not only to restore his health, but also work as a coach in sport dancing. Many laid-off, resigned to the necessity to seek new sources of income, learn new skills and begin to live even better than before. Chemically dependent, have accepted the need to constantly deal with his personal and spiritual growth can not only live for years without disruption, but also a lot to achieve in life.

When circumstances are above us ...

And what happened in those cases when we refused to submit to the teacher before the Higher power? We fired on a hot kettle, as refusing to accept the fact that there are things that can not be touched. We got two, as refusing to accept the fact that lessons should be taught even when they do not want to. If we talk about the problems associated with the disease itself, its origin, most likely the result of the refusal to accept the circumstances (although many will try to challenge it).

Most often, people flatly refuse to accept: the departure of her husband, with the loss of money, with the presence of a difficulty in communicating with people with physical suffering, so that the son or daughter can not learn so well, as they would like that there are things that are not available to us and our children ... and so on, ad infinitum. Put up with all these really difficult, but necessary. Waiver of humility does not give you anything but a new disease. Lack of humility before the need to change their lives in accordance with the new circumstances is often the cause and the most common ailments.

Imagine how would decrease the number of cases of influenza and acute respiratory disease, if people have learned to reconcile with the fact that during the epidemic should be a little bit to change their lives: less crowded places to visit, to take drugs that stimulate the immune system, and vitamin complexes, and, finally, just do not leave the house, finding in his first signs of the disease. People with poor eyesight to refuse to accept the need to wear glasses. They have a frequent headaches due to overwork. Patients with diabetes at the refusal to accept the necessity of strictly regular insulin to take place diabetic and hypoglycemic coma. Patients with hypertension, irregular take the appropriate medication and diet, often suffer from strokes and other complications of the disease.

We have always remained the last attempt

In Orthodoxy antithesis of humility is pride. This is one of the deadly sins. But we're not talking about religion. The fact that pride prevents succeed, complicating relationships with others and creates serious obstacles to recovery. Pride should not be confused with pride. You can be proud of something (such as their sports records, academic achievements and successes in any case) or someone else (your children, wife or parent). Pride allows a person to improve their self-esteem due to the rise above itself, it can inspire new achievements.

A man obsessed with pride, has already inflated self-esteem as comparing himself with other, less successful. He believes that nothing should be a change, on the contrary, all something to him. He was not able to work on yourself, because he can not reconcile with the need to comply with the rules. Troubles do not teach him anything, but sometimes "give the nose, put in place. Such a patient is very difficult to get rid of the addiction. That humble upbringing helps graduates of this center to preserve the ability to subsequently lead a healthy lifestyle.
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