What is important is whether the appearance of women for men?
If you, dear women, spend much time on your appearance, you have reduced the time to view their home. This is the logic. Or the type of man who is near you. Or is there something else, invisible but important. Caring for your (and his) vernal form, we may miss out on what he calls "human relationship". Somewhere in my subconscious waiting in the wings formula that first impression is deceptive. And next to her live one more formula: brightly labeled external beauty is suitable primarily to "bury" her into bed. And everything else later. You can pick up a phrase softer, but then the meaning will be truncated. This is some sort of explanation, an indirect proof of why external beauty involves dalliance male to female.
But that's not all. At one time, "even if" she drew "a pattern of combat" in and out "hunting". While she was "caught" the young man, and they became husband and wife. And now the wife keeps house housewife image, but when preparing to enter into society, she draws a "military pattern". And in my mind is spinning a question: WHY? You say, so it is accepted? If you knowingly - is understandable. And subconsciously? In the subconscious mind of the husband remains the still picture, when he and his wife "caught". And in the subconscious of men spinning question: "And now she's someone going to catch?"
How do you think is the second question arises immediately after the first ...? "Do" your man have charisma, charm, flirtation. We mean to "do" their candidate. External beauty, "a pattern of military" on the face or erotic cut of the dress in advance to set up a temporary connection. This is just an image, a poster, the purpose of which is easily computed. If flirting clear if it is easy to understand, easy to start and easy to get in touch, it's easy and leave. Simple logic. Men's style of thinking. Obvious external signs (obviously what?) Certainly speak about the purpose of flirting on short his plans (of course, no?).

But if flirting is an implicit, non-aggressive, but at a level that it understood the man who you want, then this behavior is called "charm". Charm does not imply a short-term plan for singles (restaurant-bed). Sharm is a cross between a flirt and charm. That's just the charm of a dangerous condition when the two of them good and pleasant to be around. And nothing more! .. Charm, watching a TV or reception, family problems, and again - charm. And time goes by. Main muscle is not trained. And then - bam! - Impotence in forty years. Here you have the charm of the other party ... sad.
All this should balance it. Able and then, and have it be able to enjoy all of the required proportions into account both current and emotional state. (I will tell you a little secret: Men are also prone to emotions, but they scared to admit it). What is important is whether the appearance of a woman for a man? " Of course, stay beautiful appearance! But be nice and in his behavior! On the one hand charm, flirt with another. Put in the middle of the elect and lepite of it what you want.
Strange words? Are in contrast to the above? But there not going anywhere. Women's nature (in its average estimate) looks in the mirror. Pay conscious attention to the second side of the coin, on the relationship. After the first side of the coin - the look - will still be your home. It's in the subconscious. Control their appearance you will never forget to do. It is a fact. But how long will your man a man, depends primarily on you. (And not from one that "left").