What is in memory
Defining a concept of "memory", " what is in memory of "psychologists divide it into its constituent elements, and say:" That's what it is made. This is fine, if you know what these elements. We invite you to remember small circuits that you could not be distinguished from a specialist in memory. Thus, the memory stores information:
-About what you do (remembering action - procedural memory);
-What you know (memorize facts - semantic memory);
-Is, with what you have met (remembering the experience - an episodic memory).
Memory is hidden and open.
-You know that you know (conscious memory);
-You do not know what you know (unconscious memory).
If so it will be easier, can be divided into stages memorization. Memory is like a library. Encoded experience shall be deposited. For a while he is in the archive, and when there is a need for this information, you remove it. True, it all depends on the quality of your library. Usually the memory is well-organized "archivist." But if he left (tired, is under stress or in a hurry), new memories are disorganized or broken up into fragments. They can be difficult to find, as left in an unusual place keys - and they emerge at the most inopportune moment (from under the pillow appears pajamas in the middle of a romantic date).
Psychologists have noted that after the important events of human memory is disorganized, the only hope is to "record keeper", which will put everything in its place. However, it might be "out of reach, since it uses your phone to access the Internet to book a ticket agency in Tenerife. In psychology, memory is constantly conducting research, scientists do not cease debate. The best solution would be to allocate in this important names and ideas and forget the rest. You can use the "mnemonic" - a strategy to improve the memorization by linking words with mental images. For example, Elizabeth Loftus has shown that memory is not a direct reproduction of experiences: they added subsequent experience and distorts them. This phenomenon is better known as "recovered memories". You can remember this association, representing the Queen of England Elizabeth, restoring "loft" (in English - «loft»). Well or something else. Psychologists have found very little evidence of unconditional extinction of memories over time. The notion that human experiences, especially traumatic, never to be forgotten, has become popular thanks to Freud, and all too familiar to people who as a child watching the program "Doctor Who".