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What is justice

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What is justice?

Life is unfair: one born in a developed country, the other in an undeveloped, shaken by wars, coups and stupid meanness. One is born sick and another healthy. One died in childhood, the other surviving to extreme old age. One wins the lottery, the other - no, nor with any of their personal qualities are not related. A stray bullet flew into the crowd and tears from one piece of the ear and the other gets to the heart. Unfair. But what is surprising is the attention paid and was always given people such abstract notions as fairness. What is justice? " To explain the unfairness of life, invent all sorts of gods who are fairly recompensed after death. All the carnage of history, or almost all, were declared valid. The idea of justice has killed more people than the plague and cholera. To restore a little injustice, we agree to suffer losses many times greater the possible benefits of the act. We need justice in itself, regardless of its advantages or disadvantages. Be just so nice that despicable tyrants sometimes allow themselves to justice - as the yum-yum dessert.

Justice - one of the strongest arguments. If some thing is brutal, but fair, it was approved. In fact, the existence of such a strong sense of justice in man is rather strange. More than just a person concerned in the light of two things: love and injustice. Accordingly, the cheap soap operas and ride on these two runners. For example, excellent, mileyshey soul and thoughts of the heroine falsely accused. This topic can be tightened so that even a notorious mafia tears. Or this: a citizen sentenced to death for killing a child. Sentenced deserved. Or - was sentenced unfairly. In fact quite another matter. If the story of the unjust accusation good serve, it could even cause riots. Note that the actual murder of a child is much less emotional, and most of them are implicated in the same injustice: a child means an innocent soul, he did not deserve death. As if the millions of victims of dictatorship have earned it. As if someone has earned it!
Most kinodetektivov stamped on one form: the bad guys do their bad deeds and unfairly hurt good, for example, accidentally killed his entire family - well, what can you do, it happens. A good start to establish the validity and kills all the bad, and the worst of it leaves the desert and kills slowly. This bike in various forms, we can look a thousand times. Thus, the injustice of care. Most people perceive the injustice as a violation of the commandment "eye for an eye - a tooth for a tooth." That is, actions must be ootvetstuyuschee opposition. A failure to counter you are violating the laws of Newton, to become the third. That is going against the universal laws. So, if we talk about Newton. Suppose you hit with the force of a hundred Newtons. And you get a certain number of units of pain.

To restore fairness you hit back. Challenge: how hard to hit, that justice is done? You think a hundred Newtons? - Nothing like that. Its pain is always seen livelier and more real than another's, so to get the subjective FEELINGS OF JUSTICE need to hit much harder. Your opponent feels nespravdlivost retaliation and hits you again, this time stronger - for the restoration of subjective justice. Now's your turn, and so on. Strikes are becoming stronger and the emotions of all the fiercer. The pendulum of justice swings up until reach the maximum amplitude.

Ktati, and in any plot mostly involves a sudden change of roles: when pursued turns into a stalker or a foreign observer is suddenly the victim (top injustice!) To later become the avenger. The pendulum of justice swings. But someone will say, in modern civilized society, people rarely fight, only children and adults very rarely. However, swinging the pendulum of justice applies to other situations. For example, a blood feud. Too rarely vstrchaetsya? Let them. Then the neighbors' relations, one of whom gave a dirty trick to another (or another thought that he was given a dirty trick - in fact concerned not with the objective validity and subjective). But wars of conquest for which are always looking for excuses? Why not be honest - pick up and attack? Why do I need to first kill Ferdinand? And the relations of the spouses who regularly exasperating each other, treplyuschih each other nerves like a silly puppy shakes slippers? But any other attitude of people who can not break up: the army, in prison, at school, at work, in the party cell, etc? People for decades simply izgryzayut each other to death - because they feel obligated to restore justice.


One of the many perversions of justice - an ordinary jealousy. We envy the fact that is not present here, but there is another. We get offended at the injustice of this distribution. Why he can, and I can not? Why he has, but I do not have? Why should I, as he not? Easy, "background" envy accompanies all cases of uneven distribution. Can be jealous of anything. For example, youth. It seems that youth is given to each one at a time, she was jealous and that is the distribution fair. But not entirely: the desire of some school direktriss erase makeup with young girls is much stronger than that of directors - this is due to envy those who have passed modolost gray. Among the men interested in another form of jealousy on the subject: I was in the army, that means you have to. If now abolished compulsory military service, then there would be some who were indignant at her canceled due to such reasons.

It is well known adage "do not get smart" or in another embodiment, "do not be too clever," "wise guy what found", "we know these smart guys" and the like. So say those who are "clever" can not, not a god given abilities. Only such people can someone be "too clever". A proverbial "fools luck" came up with those fools who are not lucky. But some benefits are distributed more unequally than the young. For example, health. Two people fell ill with cancer, but it turned out that the second wrong simply diagnosed and he was soon to be healthy. What will the reaction of the first? - This will be a reaction to injustice. And since it is impossible to establish the validity of a good way, that is, to recover myself, there is a desire that other people sick too. Therefore, the terminally ill can take revenge over the world. For example, people with AIDS may deliberately infect other people, out of revenge, or rather, of envy, which in turn is based on a sense of perversion of justice.

Students who have unfairly placed the two, calm down, if the same of two others punched. His mother, tortured by the upbringing of her son, calm down, knowing that the other son is even worse. Even easier to die in the company. Man hurt life, feels the desire to avenge her true - that is, to avenge the world. Stupid would hate smart. Evil - good. Poor - the rich. Lonely - pets of women. If the person whose life is constantly beats and torments, have the opportunity to take revenge, his revenge will be cruel and senseless from our point of view. It will fall on the heads of innocent people - and it seems to him just because he and the avenger was suffering for nothing. Feeling (un) fairness - a common cause of schadenfreude. In the trolley is painted an old woman with heavy bags. Here she drops one of the bags and apple crumble. Other old women NENAKRASHENNYE, start a discussion. In her something old and lipstick, "but you look at her cheek," "yes it a long time in the coffin of time." They're just happy. They are very glad someone else misfortune.
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