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What is the disease

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What is the disease?

There is no universal definition of the disease. Responding to a question, what disease we can say that the disease is any adverse change, which violates the normal appearance, structure and function of the body or its parts. In case of illness of persons:

1) suffering. It is high time to understand that morally sick person suffers the same as any other patient. It is not only a scoundrel, villain, and so on, he was just a victim - the victim of his disease. In clearly defined cases, such as violent crimes, you can usually determine what prompted a man - not to take this step (this step it pushed the disease), and in this way. He could be brought up in such conditions that have made any other way for it to be impossible. Maybe he had a congenital deffekt mind that in appropriate circumstances, just robbed a man of choice. His choice: the crime - he committed himself, but the question is, why he was even capable of such a decision, why did he even was able to deliberate infliction of harm. And here he might be innocent. He is as little responsible for what happened to him, like a sick example, cancer or born ugly. Crime is disgusting and inexcusable - but hideous disease, but not the patient, who is its victim and suffers from it more than all of us. The Company is entitled to protect themselves from such a man, but no more.

2) When the disease reduces the ability to perform certain tasks, first in the particulars, then the body simply can not sustain their livelihoods. The disease can lead to death. Can disrupt or completely destroy this or that body functions. In the case of moral disease: the patient gradually loses friends and replaces them with other people, and sick. If he is too angry, cruel or unfair, his ability to communicate can be virtually destroyed. If he is in prison, torn so many social networks. If he commits a crime, it's very likely his violent, that is premature death. And the deeper he plunges into evil and sin, the greater the probability. Hardened criminals do not last long. They kill each other or kill the law - that is, they are dying from their disease. Mentally ill people, severely ill, are almost always stupid: just because their illness prevents them to get a full education, or because it dramatically narrows the range of interests. That is, a moral disease violates the particular function such as intelligence.
3) Reduced subjective quality of life. Quality of life - it is not clear, but intuitively quite clear concept. For example, a person who suffers from asthma or gout, feels his life is less quality than a person equal to him in all respects, but healthy. Similarly, the life of a sadist or a pocket thief worse than living a healthy person.

4) Another sign by which we can determine that a person is sick: the problems in daily life problems, where healthy people is all right. Mentally ill may be experiencing difficulties in family life, in communion, in employment or in training.

5) diseases cause damage to people and society. One of the reasons for loss - premature deaths - and because of the moral wrong of conduct and as a result of morally wrong ways of life that leads to disease and death. At the same time, long-lived moral patients are living the happiness to torment others. In this way they reduce the life of many people around him, and greatly reduce quality of life, sometimes to zero (when it does not want to live) or to negative values (when they want to die). They can infect other people hate and make them mentally ill: could bring them to the point where you want to kill or at least reasons harm.

Moral disease

Moral disease to be set, as well as physical or mental. Hundreds or thousands. But none of them have not yet named and not described. Then a short time and get confused. Where to start? How to identify the nameless? How to decompose the huge amounts of information on the shelves with calligraphic inscriptions, if the shelves do not yet exist, and furthermore there is no writing on them? There is, however, the religious interpretation of some of the moral diseases, such as sins. But any religion is extremely subtle spiritual and intellectual construction - and to give it a new proposition, you must be a special kind of genius - Thomas Aquinas, for example, or Augustine. And in this case not all what you say is correct.

At first glance it seems interesting to draw an analogy between already known disease, and moral. Especially because there are certain similarities. For example, bigotry can be interpreted as a moral cancer - sometimes malignant, pushing the death of a fanatic from a surplus of protrusions and some private moral judgments and sometimes benign, just make a laughingstock or the subject of the fanatic conviction. One could speak of moral amnesia - in the case when we forget what we remember is unprofitable. Psychoanalysis is concerned primarily with the disease. You can talk about old age of moral disorder similar to senile bodily and mental illness.

Moral idiocy or moral imbecility would mean an inability to correct moral judgments. Moral anorexia (anorexia when a woman refuses to eat to lose weight and, thus, correspond to some ideal) is a denial of certain benefits for moral reasons, this example vegeratianstvo due to the fact that "bad to kill animals, or because the animals before death anxiety and it is passed to consumer. This refusal to consent to sexual relations because of their perceived sinfulness and so on. Proceeding from this analogy, it is possible, for example, moral flatulence (bloating - flatulence in the intestine, the patient produces flatulence unpleasant smell around, they have to endure) - the patient, believing in a primitive and absurd little idea begins to carry it all around, against their will. Something similar happened with Gogol, a good writer, but not a very good thinker.

Possible moral dependence on a certain authority, the sample or the sacred text, it is similar to drug or alcohol dependence, and similarly the mist and destroys the mind. But this is only an analogy and nothing more. It is suitable only as an illustration and does not have explanatory power, and the more predictive. This "weed" the idea that we will not lead anywhere. Maybe she and good - but only at first, as a first and a very inaccurate approximation to the truth. There are diseases, under this analogy is not appropriate. Such as bureaucracy (or bureaucracy). There is a view not bureaucracy, to be useful for state officials layer, and the bureaucracy as a particularly perverse sense, expressed in that place any direct move sure to construct a labyrinth. Separately to highlight the weakness of moral immunity: that is, disease, in which a person should be free to emerging ideas of evil.
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