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What is the model of the world

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What is the model of the world?

Since its birth in the human bio-computer recorded all sorts of programs that include a set of beliefs and attitudes and stereotypes defining its reactions and behavior. These programs and determine the structure of human personality, its set of personal characteristics and how that person sees the world. A complete set of programs that determines the behavior and outlook of a man called him a model of the world. World model can be represented as a system of crooked mirrors, which reflect the events of the incident and the surrounding reality, becoming a kind of simplified and distorted picture, causing a person or that stereotyped positive or negative reaction.

What is the model of the world? model of the world - is how a person sees the world, then, as it reflects the consciousness of this world. The world is vast and incomprehensible, and our minds are not able to accommodate and reflect on it. It only builds a convenient scheme for the outside world, which enables a person to exist and survive. This scheme, or model, is very incomplete and rough. It can be compared with the ability to see depends on the coordinated work of the eye and brain. Eyes perceive a certain range of wavelength. Infrared and ultraviolet radiation, they can not distinguish. But those waves which the eye perceives, it is enough to create the overall picture, gives the person an opportunity to orient in space.

World model can be narrower or wider, it may be more correct or less correct, more or less rational. The more general and accurate model is, the easier it is to exist and adapt to the life support of this model. Understanding the structure of its own model of the world - is the key to managing yourself and your life. Understanding of the world models of other people - is key to building a full and satisfying interpersonal contacts. The main cause of human conflict, strife and mutual grievances are precisely the difference in the world models and the failure of awareness and acceptance of this fact. As part of its own model of the world everyone is convinced that he is right. Truth is always subjective, and in arguments people usually defends its own right, their subjective truth. He is unable to see the problem through the eyes of his opponent, so it is difficult at least in part to recognize his right, and he gives "an emotional reaction jungle, in a state of stress and tension.
Slowly but steadily accumulating negative experiences are beginning to severely distort the relationship between husband and wife, and their respective models of the world recorded a negative program. Hatred and exclusion, backed by the full knowledge that they are right, gradually increasing, in the end outweigh the bad good, and marriage that the correct approach would be a wonderful and happy, there comes to an end, marks a painful for both parties in divorce and the painful memories that hamper the establishment of good relationships with future partners.

There is hardly a person who has ever ever in my life was upset over trivial matters that did not enter into unnecessary and painful falling out with loved ones and close friends, do not despair because of the monstrous injustice villain fate, deprived of his cherished bottle of kefir (or love Vasey Mymrikova, or place of head of department, or even something no less important and significant). The first step to becoming happy - is to learn not to be unhappy about that in a calm consideration can not possibly provide the basis for a universal tragedy. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. How exactly do that, you'll learn in the process of reading this book and other books in the series "Technology of Happiness", but most importantly, why you should start - is to notice such inappropriate emotional responses in his own behavior.

It would be nice to return to the past, remembering some very traumatic moments of you, in the case when the cause was much less significant compared with the level of your response, make a list of these situations and try to rethink their behavior, imagining how you would react to such stimulus now. After losing every situation in his mind several times, reacting to it all the more calmly and deliberately, you will make in their model of the world some adjustments by changing the stereotype of responding to specific things in the future, finding themselves in similar circumstances, you will experience much less stress from to negative emotions. This single step will make your life a little better already.

Model of the World - a collection of programs, defining stereotypes and reactions of human behavior that defines its relationship to the world and its place in the events. Not all programs, especially recorded in the world model in infancy or early childhood, are adequate. The result is not adequate reality for children's programs is that in most social situations, people are committing acts opposite of their mental and physical interests of their true security and true happiness. The first step on the path to happiness - to learn not to be unhappy following the automatic reaction of inadequate programs when faced with not like your model of the world of other people.
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