What is the problem of evil?
Shake the faith and morals of the people.
Taking thousands of patients who received bags of letters, respectively, get a huge mass of very diverse information. People tell the incredible story that happened to them or originate.
Recently I was approached by a scientist, doctor of technical sciences from their misfortune.
"Before all this devilry - he said - I took a fiction and fairy tale. But lately, with me were incredible things happening. Depression, tiredness, unwillingness to live. At night I dreamed only to the horrors and the dead. Last year at my work stole scarves. After 2-3days after my neck appeared a large tumor. I was operated on, everything went well. This year, I began to hide his scarf. But it was stolen. Just a few days after the theft on my neck rose a tumor, that I barely saved in the emergency room. "