What is the secret of altruism?
Not to think once more about the anxiety to focus on the main case, the most important. Think about how to solve it and change, finally, the bad thoughts for good! Remember friends and loved ones, remember the forgotten moments of happy childhood, in general, anything that gives the most pleasant sensations. Do not focus on the poor! Rules to be followed on a daily basis:
1. 'Do not harm people in thought, word and deed. "
2. "Kick the hustle and bustle, the restriction of desire."
3. 'Do not regret the past, which can not be repaired, think about the present, which makes the future ".
4. "I accept with gratitude all that life presents."
Intellectual and physical harmony
For the spiritual and physical health is important optimism, a sense of satisfaction with their lives, the ability to find in it something that develops, strengthens and calms the spirit: hobbies, socializing with good people, nature, study of spiritual practices, philosophies and ways of achieving spiritual harmony this complex, constantly changing world. If you lead an active life, play sports, then you will not have time and energy to worry about. Spend more time outdoors, thus removing the tension. If you overload yourself intellectual activity and does not maintain a physical activity, so you can really ruin your health.

If you are outdoors, take along a book. Make yourself comfortable somewhere in a nice, quiet place and start reading from any page. Your subconscious mind will guide you correctly. Take a book about it as a dialogue with one another. Analyze the words of those who have read to you, take their meaning for themselves. Fear begins where there is no balance. This principle is taken into account in their physical development, but completely forgotten in the intellectual development and achievement of harmony between mind and body. Try to tell yourself positive news. "I can not much, I'm learning a lot from our mistakes, I will act and become better." Positive attitude towards themselves and life itself is an effective remedy for stress!
Secrets of altruism
Today is traditionally considered that the thirst for possession as a way of existence - the innate quality of a person and, therefore, virtually indestructible. This idea is reflected in the fact that people are basically lazy, passive, unwilling to take any effort, if it does not encourage this material gain ... hunger ... or fear of punishment. This axiom is not someone being questioned by defining our educational methods and practices. However, in reality it is - the desire to justify the expression of human selfishness that he had derived from the natural human needs. Should not take its position as a matter of course, while forgetting that most people are not available the privileges and benefits that you are using.
What is the secret of altruism? One way to resist the selfishness, is to periodically visit the places where people are poor or deprived than some people. Leader, no matter what position you do, sometimes it is recommended to visit the hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, orphanages and other organizations where you can see people's suffering. These visits give the determination to help others. Besides, helping these people, you are helping to himself as a leader, because the power of any organization, public or state is determined by the viability of their weakest members.
International statistics living the poorest segment of society makes to cry about it. Hunger and poverty are progressing and are the most widespread phenomena in the earth. Half of adults and children are constantly hungry, yet half - and it is 20% of the world's population - lack basic livelihood. Imagine how many people live in much worse conditions than you! The truth is that both modes of existence - and altruism, and selfishness - is the potential of human nature, that the biological need for self-preservation leads to the fact that self-interest more often gets the upper hand, but, nevertheless, selfishness and laziness - not only inherent human qualities.
Human nature to desire to realize their potential, be active and socialize with others, to escape from the restrictions of his loneliness and selfishness. Need to give, to share with others, willingness to sacrifice ourselves for others, common in the health professions - such as nurses, nurses and doctors. The same altruism, we find a donor voluntarily giving their blood, it is manifested in a variety of circumstances where people risk their lives to save others. People who know how to love truly always tend to devote himself to another.
Psychologists have found that those who are sympathetic to other people to live longer, and that getting help is not as useful as it seems. Types of assistance may be different, for example, take the neighbor to the doctor, go shopping for their elderly relatives, to sit with your child friend or colleague to help make the report. But these are examples of physical assistance. At the same time help can be emotional. Listen to the man who wants to pour out his heart and share with you their problems, sometimes far more difficult than to drive someone to drive to the house. But it was your patience and responsiveness to the problems of another person may help him to change lives and overcome difficulties. Intuitively, we understand that our assistance will make a person feel better. However, if a man will always seek the help of others, he can form a sense of dependency, which subsequently leads to guilt and anxiety. A person may feel a burden, it may appear suicidal.
Experimentally proved that the communication has beneficial effects on the health of every one of us. They improve the functioning of the immune system, reduce the probability of occurrence of colds and infectious diseases, accelerate the healing process. Today, however, psychologists have found that not all social interactions are equally useful. Benefit, usually those who offer their help. Reaching out to other people, you are renewing their lives, while not significant, what kind of help you are giving, physical or emotional. By helping others you also reduce your stress, get rid of anxiety, improve your physical and mental health, cures for depression, but also gaining positive emotions, which are beneficial to the cardiovascular and immune systems.