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What is to educate a man

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What is to educate a man?

So you've got hold of the desired man in his own hands. I understand your desire to proceed immediately to his training, but must first make a very important thing, from which, in my opinion, the taming success depends as much on the correct methods of education. He must sit down, concentrate and think.

Many of you may have angrily objected to me: yes we have a very tender age to know what should be he, the one and only, and do not see any sense in that once again it exaggerate. What you can answer this seemingly iron argument? First, the anger - negative emotions that shortens life, and the taming success in any way is not conducive. Secondly, once again to articulate their goals never hurts. Therefore, cool down and try to say aloud what you want from your faithful dog. (Incidentally, the requirement of loyalty from pet occupied, probably, one of the first row in the rankings, if someone such ratings was - so very urgent this problem. Do not worry, the pages of our book, we will talk about that) .
Think abstractly, and the word specifically. Of course, a common dream of the vast majority of the fair sex can be defined like this: a nearby man should be the acme of perfection, the best of the best. This sublime theme can be developed indefinitely, but even the banal phrase "that did not drink or smoke at the hands of me wearing" already brings you closer to his goal. Indeed, you are doing your pet, as they say, by themselves, so there is room for imagination, here I will not give advice - because you all know better than me. The main thing - it all clearly imagine.

Possible and even desirable to sneak from everyone (and the object of your fiery passion - in the first place!) Write down on paper a list of desired qualities and hide it, so that later in which case check with this list. I hope I have convinced you that the problem, clearly defined by you in sound mind and memory - is the key to success for any type of activity. And now let's think about what in principle can and should teach her man. Yes, men - there are completely trained, do not believe me - try it. What skills are essential?

Thus, obedience - is the cornerstone. You instructor and owner in one person, but the dog should accept one master, and a man - only one woman, that is, you. I'm not saying that the other ladies, he is obliged to ignore it, just that he should recognize in you, his only mistress. Ideal to practice skills of obedience consists in the fact that your man has aspired to a better and faster to make all your wishes, because he wants to make a nice hostess, and not because of the threat of being punished or hungry. Of course, this approach requires some effort, but ultimately they will pay off handsomely.

Trained a man to obey, you can safely proceed to the formation of his other, equally valuable skills, such as search. This concept includes a wide range of skills, ranging from tracing their own things in the apartment and ending with the calculation of the location of the lair of Colombian terrorists, who kidnapped you two hours ago. In the latter case, I'm exaggerating, and you do not want such a sad fate, simply, if you educate a woman the basics of searching, you can greatly benefit. Probably every woman at least once in their lives (and experience shows that, unfortunately, not again!) Faced with a situation where her man, going to work or somewhere else, demanded an immediate answer to the question, where are his personal - stress personal! - things. "Where are my socks, tie, glasses, jacket, razor-Rod (the list goes on)?" - A rhetorical question.

Kindly tell me where she, poor thing, to know this? Answer like, "Look where he put down", being reasonable and rational, for some reason causes the biped "pet" a storm of negative emotions. I'm not talking about when a man has to send to the store for something. Not only that, as a rule, strongly demonstrates the discontent on this issue, yet the fact that ultimately it will bring you what he was asked. Thus, the search - one of the first disciplines that must work out with his men.

Protection and defense - also very important skills. Every woman wants to see about a lawyer, and it's hard to argue. Of course, each representative of a strong sex instinct laid defender, but sometimes it seems that in some he laid so deeply that they get to him there is no way. Do not worry, all fixable, proper training will correct this defect.

Skill maintenance is necessary to work out the smallest details. By the way, if a man just to learn to behave properly is not enough, because what woman does not want to be a man accompanying her, aroused universal admiration and envy? Yes, and a list of good manners for men to longer than a similar list for the animals. For example, the dog can not open the door to his mistress, to pass it forward, give a hand when you exit the transport and many other things. Men are able to carry out such actions, at least in theory. Yes, unfortunately, there are also instances that do not do so in practice. Alas, from this they are no less loved and welcome. What to do?

Lovely woman, do not despair - all within your power. So now you know what is to educate a man , so that your co-existence with him was easy and pleasant. And where is it taught? For the four-legged friends, there are many training club organizations, schools, clubs and instructors working on an individual basis. For the two-legged "pet" nothing like this has not yet created (and would be worth, right?). So that you - and the instructor, and developer trends in training and you also set the standards for your pet - ie set of skills, which he should acquire as a result of training. But look around: you're not alone in this world around is full of women facing the same problem. This is a relative, friend, friend, colleague.

Just do not forget the individual approach to your pet. The experience gained from others, you should not blindly copy, you first need to think - and will work whether or not the reception of training in your case. And if one of your friends still managed to shove her man under the heel, the other uses only the force action, and the third - on the contrary only encourage, and who knows someone who eventually trained. Think over each step, and in the end it will be worth your OKD sample and the standard of correct training!
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