What is useful to learn?
To live without resentment.
Women and elephants never forget the insult.
I do not know why elephants do not forget the insult, but I suspect that women's brain is so constituted that they remember the resentment, especially small ones. Any girl can give a man the following: "But remember, like half a year ago you looking at me not looking!". She remembers everything, he is frantically recalling how wrong? What are we talking about?
Women love to be offended in the first place on each other, then have a friend at her friend. For example, will hurt and possibly a scandal when two young ladies come to work in the same shoes, if the same happens in men, it generally will not be noticed. Why should one peasant look at his feet the other, they are hairy and wearing pants, so uninteresting, and attract women, and in that hairy legs men shod, others not interested at all.
Women love to be offended by men. In this case, usually, resentment is a form of expression demands. Especially fun when the girl connects its "memory", for example: we meet a year, and remember, half a year ago I asked your attitude to marriage, as you said that you do not want to marry her (hurt), so you're not interested in me anymore. Which translated means, I demand an explanation - you marry or not?
Resentment interfere live both women and men, as many resentful begin revenge, and all at once, including myself.
You do not care about me, then I'll get ill luck, that's when to run. Let me be worse, but I'll be avenged. Illness, the partner as a revenge for the offense, is very common in homes that quickly seizes and takes over the children. And the grandparents would not mind some fun: "I have a bad heart, and you treated me so!" And just pass out for conviction. Sense - that I shall die in your arms, will be to blame. Grandparents can not hurt!
After years of training for all people who have grievances, often seriously, they can be obtained easily and, as it were, of course. Sure, a real man does not give any reason a woman to hurt, but the real reasons women are not really needed, especially if trained from childhood.
But the "offended" life is not good to anyone. In her little joy and much trouble, but also diseases such as the faithful companion of all the people hurt by life. Maybe it's time to change something?
Success in life is not achieved the presentation of claims and grievances. God is still, perhaps, forgive us our wrongs, but that's never nervous system. The defeat follows the claims of people and the world, they become indifferent. The world loves a positive and successful, they are prosperous, calm, confident.
Hurt - hurt myself go "spat" and depressed, mind and nervous system are finally reconciled, and the body will take an unhappy look. Only someone such a person need?
Teach yourself to stop to be offended you can, say more - you need to. When to start? Yesterday. But today it is too late. Not sure if this can be done tomorrow. Study may be different. Some people learn life itself, gently takes his neck and his head on the table. Many of them even work, for example, touchy girl of 30 years understands that decent men fled, leaving her to survive their grievances, thank you life, it is a great teacher, but very expensive to take over lessons.
There is another way, not so expensive and more painless, for example, "harmless" training that will help you:
1. get rid of the gravity of old grudges, to live in a new way to easily and freely;
2. learn how to control the occurrence of injuries in the future and receive the joy of communicating with people;
3. give an adequate response to any offender who tries to hurt you, humiliate, ridicule;
4. improve relations with colleagues, friends, family, loved ones;
5. opportunity to earn more. Fewer grievances - for more money. Offended do not pay - they carry water;
6. to renew and establish old contacts, to enjoy it;
7. restore close relations with their relatives;
8. learn how to easily make contact, explore without fear, with humor. No offense taken of any refusal.