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What is your name affects the privacy

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What is your name affects the privacy

And you know, neither you, that woman's name may sound tempting, but may alienate fans? Fortunately, with the help of astrology and numerology, it is easy to determine "guilt" is your name that you are not married. And most importantly, you learn how to select pet name that men wanted to speak to you as often as possible.

The names of the planets

The fact that the sound vibrations of each name reflects the energy of various planets. For example, the names Alexandra, Alla, Vera, Lolita, Oksana, Olga and Tamara sound vibration of the Sun. Girls with these names seem more interesting and brighter than many of his friends. Quite a different mood created names Anastasia Lada, or Nona. They dominated the moon, so the bearer of these names are always intrigued by its variability and poetry.

Mercurian names confer increased sociability and talkativeness - are, for example, Joan, Zoe, Raisa and Rita. But Margarita - quite another thing, this name is heard the voice of the goddess of love Venus. On this planet also associated Elizabeth, Christina, Love and Svetlana. Girls with these names need when meeting with a guy submitted to the qualified name: it will increase the chances of success.

Martian names of Antoninus, Valentina, Valerie, Natalia, Tatiana force their owners of show remarkable courage, and courage - qualities that are able to repel the Cavaliers. Recall, for a love letter to Onegin and Tatyana his cold morality back! Here it is better not to tempt fate and your name in the diminutive form. Do this, you will numerology - the science of the hidden numerical vibration of words and calendar dates.
How do you know that the number of lurking in your name? To do this, find the name, referring to the table. Each letter of the name corresponds to one of the figures. Write them down sequentially and fold. If the amount is derived two-digit number, add together the digits of this number, until you get one - and it will symbolize the planet, whose character appears in your name.

Concordance table of numbers and letters:

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Uranus Neptune
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A B In T D E E F W
AND J K A M H About P P
B Since B E Yu I  

Arithmetic name

What features give us the number of each of the planets, a glow they throw at us?

The sun is associated with a person bright, attractive, always at the center of attention.

Well, if the name of a woman "sounds" number of the Moon - the patron of the fair sex. These women perceive as "domestic cats, cute, but prone to changeable mood.

Mars - a planet of warriors, if the name of Ladies 'working' number of Mars, it is perceived as an active, assertive personality, which not every man would risk an affair.

Woman with "Mercurian" name seems to surrounding sociable and intelligent. In order not to embarrass the Cavaliers, try not to stress his intellectual superiority - your name, and so indicates that you - the intelligent person.

Jupiter, the protector of the leaders, ordinary person, an outstanding, able to lead. If the number of this planet "locked" in a woman's name, a woman will be promoted to managerial positions, but it is unlikely it will often be invited to interview ...

Best name for a woman - one in which "sounds" the number of Venus . Your name makes men see in your person of a charming and capable of strong feelings.

Saturn - the planet of strict, since it carries all sorts of restrictions. If your name "encrypted" the number of Saturn, you are considered cool and restrained, not tuned in "to twist his novels.

Uranus helps ward look free from all kinds of conventions. Ladies with uraniumical "It is the ability to love adventures - for men it is very tempting!

The number of the planet Neptune surrounded woman veil of mystery. Unfortunately, not every knight is ready for a long time beating around the bush, trying to unravel the "encrypted" in your puzzle ...

Fascination for the calculation

Well, you know "their" planet and we are sure that she keeps you tie the novels? So, we must find a diminutive form of your name, in which "will sound" different, more "feminine" planet.

To determine the most favorable for the continuation of dating the form of a name, make a note on a separate sheet of paper all the possible options. For example, Tatyana, Tanya, Tata, Tanya, Tanyuha, Tanya, Tanyushechka. Referring to the table, replace the figures all the letters in these names and count their money.

Tatiana = 2 +1 +2 +3 +6 +6 +1 = 21 = 2 +1 = 3, Mars

Tanya = 2 +1 +6 +6 = 15 = 1 +5 = 6, Venus

Tata = 2 +1 +2 +1 = 6, Venus

Tanya = 2 +1 +6 +6 +7 +3 +1 = 26 = 2 +6 = 8, Uranus

Tanya = 2 +1 +6 +5 +8 +1 = 23 = 2 +3 = 5, Jupiter

Tanyuha = 2 +1 +6 +5 +5 +1 = 20 = 2 +0 = 2, Luna

Tanyushechka = 2 +1 +6 +5 +8 +6 +7 +3 +1 = 39 = 3 +9 = 12 = 1 +2 = 3, Mars

Posing as a guy or Tanyushechkoy Tatiana, a girl like myself to program the need to constantly be in a relationship with him is very active and proactive person. Tanya calling himself or Tatoy, it strengthens the love notes in the future relationship, although, of course, it could turn out to be brotherly and fatherly love.

The name of Tanya, supervising the planet Uranus freedom involves the relationship of altruism and a maximum of freedom, Tanya - sets the distance in a relationship and it sounds a bit formal. But the rough-familiar name Tanyuha like "domesticates" the man, because the corresponding means moon in astrology and domochadtsev.Tochno house so you can calculate your name and if necessary, to select such diminutive forms that will enter into relations with a man of your dreams.

By the way: do not forget to calculate the name of his hero: as soon as your relationship will be confidential, is to find him a diminutive, corresponding to the number of the Moon or Venus - that will help him to subconsciously tune in a romantic mood.
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