What kinds of corruption and evil eye
Are there any evil eye, curse, damage, fear? This is no doubt the most inveterate skeptics. Indeed: it does not believe in spoiling, if your health suddenly frustrated, things are deteriorating, his personal life is heading downhill? If all of these troubles descended suddenly, involuntarily wonders: Can someone brought damage, or bewitched? If such thoughts are increasingly come to your mind, make no mistake - you jinxed. Only panic in this case is not necessary. Let's act.
To correct, not exacerbate the situation, you need to know what the damage. Blight - a deliberate impact on the so-called subtle body of man, that is, its aura, or aura. This subtle body foe accommodated a kind of "virus" - a program that now controls the destiny of man. Blight causes of illness, family discord, poverty, problems at work. Spoilage may even die or go mad. Few people know that half of mentally ill people lost their minds after absence of damage. Often victims of damage become alcoholics or drug addicts.
Because of damage to break down the family. If a living "soul to soul" spouse suddenly become bitter enemies - thus, there were witchcraft.
Whammy - a type of spoilage. Unlike its just that the damage intentionally induce, and may inadvertently overlook. The most common cause of the evil eye - jealousy. Envious eye or evil word spoken in hard minute - and on a thin person's body appears as though incurable wound. Die from it is impossible, but a person starts to hurt, feels constant sleepiness, forgetfulness, sudden jumps in temperature, loses weight, becomes distracted.
Whammy and some other types of damage can be removed independently. But the heavy damage - such as damage to death - without the help of a healer can not be removed.
Curse also refers to the types of damage. Bring a curse can close relatives, Gypsies, or sorcerers. You can curse and involuntarily: for this you need only say "damn you" or "that you failed." Therefore it is necessary to monitor their own language, and in any case not to speak these words. Curse turns a disaster not only for the one who cursed, but for the most cursed.
Funk - mental disorder associated with kakimlibo terrible event that happened suddenly. Most often, the fear suffered by children, but are subject to it adults. As a result of fear people are speechless, unable to sleep, non-stop crying (so manifest fear in children). Funk - the only kind of damage that can cause intentionally.
The most susceptible to deterioration and the evil eye young children and groom with the bride at her own wedding. The fact that they both are in transition: the baby is not quite of this world, so it is quite vulnerable to the influence of otherworldly forces, and the bride and groom go into a new life, they seem to die in his past life and are born in new capacity. That's like bad people to spoil the wedding, so babies scare and look at them an evil eye.