What sacrifices he is prepared for you?
Women love men assess the extent of what what sacrifices he can go for it. In order to verify whether the sincere lover, a girl coming up with all sorts of tests. "Honey, could you give me a lift?" - And the road races across town to throw his beloved to the next station. "Dear, we are moving, you could not help?" - And throws in love all things to his favorite was delighted. And thanks he gets his long-awaited kiss. Women invent a masterful job for her Ivan Tsarevich: and bring it, I do not know that, and Congress to distant lands.
To love men there were no insurmountable obstacles and impossible requests. what sacrifices he is prepared for you? " For you it is ready for practically everything. The only thing to remember - a sense of proportion. It is known that love can move mountains, but do not make it really do that. Watch out man, do not use too active. Remember that you have in your hands - fragile love with heart, capable of anything that would order his owner.
But sooner or later, your beloved is no longer unconditionally fulfill all wishes. His passionate desire to sacrifice for the sake of your own time, friends, habits, and interest begins to wane. If you notice that your lover started excuses on your requests, referring to the employment or illness, do not think that his love is weakened and he loves you so passionately and blindly as before. You just moved to another stage of relations.

If before he ran for you, wherever you go, throw it all: business, friends - he managed only a desire to be with you. And now he had ceased to listen to your opinion in the selection, for example, a cafe or a session in the cinema. The man begins to speak out, and you will learn with astonishment that it differs from yours. Most women perceive such changes as the cooling feeling men. It's not quite true. You just need to get used to the idea that living in a mad rhythm of love for a long time nobody can have your loved one, a period of calm. He was accustomed to your love, to ensure that you meet him in return and now he can sleep quietly, hugging you. He sure did enough to win you. But this is not the loss of love, no weakening of the sense, and the transition to a new stage of relations, the calmer but no less happy.