What should I know a man who goes to the source
Each source is consecrated in the name of the image of the Mother of God or some saint. Before leaving, make sure to order in the church prayer before an icon of this saint, and with a prayer or take acathistus patron saint of the source. Some of the prayers given below.
The main patron saints of all sources is considered the Mother of God.
One of the images of the Mother of God and is called - "Life-giving source." This image appeared in the V century in Constantinople, or Constantinople, which was then the capital of Orthodoxy. Not far from the city, near the so-called "Golden Gate", was grove dedicated to the Virgin Mary. They said that once in a grove beat the healing spring, but the pagans, who live nearby, began to arrange where orgies and sacrifices - and the spring was gone. A place where he was, overgrown with thick bushes. But one day a miracle happened. Roman soldier Leo Markell, the future emperor, met in this place blind, helpless traveler, having lost the road. Markell helped him get out on the footpath and park in the shade to rest, while he himself went in search of water to refresh the blind. Suddenly he heard a voice saying: "Leo! Do not look for the water away, it is close. " Surprised by a mysterious voice, he began to look for water but found none. When he stopped in sorrow and thought, again came the same voice: "The Lion King! Go to the shelter of the grove, "Draw some water that you find there, and watered it to the thirsty, the same mire that you find in the source, put on his eye. Then you will know who I am, sanctifying the place. I will help you shortly to erect here in the name of my church, and all who come here with faith and calling my name, will get the performance of its prayers and complete healing of ailments. When Leon sang all commands, then immediately blind sight, and without a guide went to Constantinople, praising the Mother of God. In honor of this event and was created by the image of the Mother of God "Life-giving source." Holy Mother of God with the Divine Infant depicted on the icon of the huge stone bowl, standing in a pond. In a reservoir, filled with life-giving water, shows them that suffer bodily ailments, the passions and mental infirmities. They all drink this life-giving water, and get different healing.

Person who is going to go to the holy key that must be with a prayer Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring", and always read it on the road.
Prayer before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, called "Life-Giving Spring"
O holy Virgin, most gracious Lady Sovereign Lady the Theotokos, Life-giving Source of thy healing gifts to the health of our souls and bodies and the salvation of the world tochaschi, filed thou us, thus managing grateful there diligently pray Thee, Queen of the Most Holy, pray to thy Son and our God to us leaving Duthie sins, and every soul of the bereaved and embittered mercy and consolation, and from the ills and afflictions of disease freedom. Podazhd, lady, the temple over them, and Sim lyudem pokrovenie (and holy abode this respect), hail preserve our land from the evils deliverance and protection, but a peaceful life zde wait, and in the future Weeze worthy to behold Thee our Advocate, the glory of the kingdom of thy Son and our God. He also praise and dominion with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
You will have to take the water container (plastic bottle or canister), bedding or sleeping bag.
Remember that bathing in the holy font of not fitting in swimming trunks or bikinis. For dipping buy a new shirt or a long shirt. After dipping the shirt is not washed, but dried and then stored in a special place. She put on during the illness that water, which soaked shirt, helped a man again.