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What should be a compliment

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What should be a compliment

The most effective compliment this is not a compliment, which acts as pleasant as possible for the girl, and one that most intrigued her. That compliment is of interest to you. For example: "You've got something special, I saw it." A woman asks you: "What?" Respond immediately - the intrigue fades. You increase the intrigue, if potyanesh time or add one of the reinforcing parameters. For example, intimacy or risk - no difference. We can say: "I do not know if I can tell you this right now. What do you think? "I usually answer this way:" This is something that usually does not like a man in a woman, but I appreciate it and I like it! "I stop and continue talking about something else. But more often, if the conversation happens in my house, leave the bedroom, lay down on the bed. She will approach me, walk with me, wherever I go! It is important that the girl behind you went and she was interested in getting a response. Do you behave properly - just relax and smile. She lies there, and you tell her one of the exciting stories, and it will tear clothes on you, if after that you will not want to take it.
Simple girl

Suitable for a very beautiful girl. When she suddenly goes out the door of a boutique, which makes any man? Immediately turns away from her eyes, because he's afraid of, afraid of his feelings and is afraid to show that she liked him. Just men are afraid of very beautiful women. Therefore it is very beautiful women are often alone. Imagine, you come out of the store, and all turn away from you? How difficult to live in such persons! Have pity on her, a girl.

Now you do not like the others guys. Now you do not turn away and pretend that you do not notice it, but rather follow the call of their instincts, come to her. It was at that moment when you begin to feel strong emotion toward a woman, approaching her. Hence, it is - it's what you need! What should be a compliment? up to her and boldly tell her: "You know, all men, as soon as you went out there and then hid from thee his views, turned away, frightened by you. Because they were afraid to show you how cool you are and what they would like to communicate with you. But I know one thing about you, knowing that, they would not let you pass. Although, maybe you do not like this quality. And men, it also may not like, but I really appreciate it! "

She starts to wonder what kind of quality. Pull a little bit with the answer:

• «If I tell you frankly, you do not kill?"

• «You're not offended ..."

• «You - touchy?"

• «Well, actually, it is unlikely there is, on what to be offended ..."

YOU - SIMPLE! You - a simple girl, while trying to appear different. She begins to think, why are you so decided. This is a very good option oupenera, as it immediately adjusts your right attitude to a very beautiful girl. The only correct attitude towards a very beautiful girl - a relationship as just ordinary girl. It is, first and foremost - an ordinary girl.

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