What should be the teacher in kindergarten?
Any violation of rules of behavior in kindergarten, any impermissible act is fraught with the perspective of children, the threat of a teacher its power advantage. The teacher also feels it. If she only want - and it can turn out a hand to one, pull the hair of another and give the mouse a third child. In view of the overwhelming power advantage the probability of such action a kindergarten teacher is significantly higher than teachers in schools, where sadistic tendencies quickly repressed violent reaction of the class. In the eyes of the children's teacher - the central figure in the kindergarten. Unlike some classes where the teacher is psychologically role is marginal, and the right leadership is the prerogative of a member of their own age group, lead kindergarten teacher is not questioned.
What should be the behavior of a kindergarten teacher in the event of a collision with the acts of violence? Unlike teachers in secondary and high school kindergarten has a monopoly on power. Its powers are not disputed by anyone and is not questioned. From the perspective of children, kindergarten teacher at the disposal sufficient funds to maintain its monopoly dominance. Already one of its kind dismisses all doubts because of its obvious and overwhelming advantage in mass. One is recognition of this superiority keeps children from outbreaks of violence: as a being possessing twice as much growth and a fourfold greater force, it does not cost anything to raise them, shake, grab her hair and put away - all these benefits, a teacher of high school lacks.
The atmosphere in the kindergarten, is distinct traces of the influence of the individual teacher. Children behave in accordance with its sentiments. They are keenly feel the change in her emotions and adjust to it. What should be a teacher in a kindergarten? " The teacher presents a certain link between self-determination of the child and his contacts with other children. She often acts as a mediator in their disputes. Children's Group is a mirror image of the emotions of the teacher. This role makes it a challenging profession. Creating a good psychological atmosphere in the kindergarten depends on whether it finds a sufficient mental power and energy.

What does this mean in relation to violence? On the atmosphere of the kindergarten directly affects the nature of its self-perception and attitudes towards those on whom it depends. Consequence of its internal imbalances, the problems in his personal life or conflict becomes restless, nervous atmosphere. Children thin feel everything that happens in her mind and, accordingly, express it in their behavior: they become irritable and stubborn, quarreling and fighting. They feel a sixth sense that the kindergarten teacher that something is wrong, wrong with the psyche. Therefore, in case of incidents of violence in the kindergarten teacher has to ask itself: not whether it is connected to itself and not whether she unwittingly became the cause of this? Maybe she was too restless, unevenness and badly configured? To understand the share of guilt for what happened, there is little critical analysis of their behavior - should look into the depths of his soul.
Spiritual dissonance kindergarten teacher becomes fatal in the case of her confidence in the possibility to deceive itself and the reluctance to recognize itself in its own feelings: "She's got everything perfect! She is aggressive? - No way! Her problem? - Really! "This position operates on corrupting children: they start in every way to provoke her and purposely behave provocatively to get it to reset the false mask and reveal its true condition. When a kindergarten teacher finally pass the nerves, the children take it with relief: "Finally, she flew into a rage, we knew that it all boils inside!"
The presence of mental disorder and latent aggressiveness in kindergarten teacher gives pets a chance to kindergarten: a bad mood kindergarten teacher becomes a bridge, allowing children to enter the shadow beyond kindergarten. Sincerity and openness to children kindergarten teacher ceases to make a secret of his spiritual throwing, allows children to empathically in touch with the uncomfortable aspects of human existence. Violence and aggression are not eliminated and are given to children, and become a common problem.