What tells chest pain
Nobody will not argue that one of the standards of female beauty and sexuality is a chest. Someone lucky enough to have them, these attributes seem very fascinating. Someone less fortunate, and their chest is more a question than a delight: Where is she? While I believe that with proper respect to him, any breasts seem sexy. But calling it not the case. The main purpose of the breast - feeding a child. I heard a funny version of one of his friend. When her daughter asked her, why is the breast is needed, she replied: "For Beauty". On the girl replied: "No, she needed to feed the baby." My friend argued with a smile: "To feed a baby, you'll be, maybe a couple of years, and wearing a chest all my life. Therefore, it is needed - for beauty. "
Obviously, if we still follow the health and beauty of their breasts, then breast-feeding should work without problems, and even very successful. But if only it were that easy. Both before and after childbirth, women may have problems and diseases of the breast. How can I prevent or get rid of the disease? There are many ways: medication, surgery, therapy ... We are, as usual, offering his own method. Method of psychology.
Chest - is part of the body, which contains the mammary glands. The most common diseases associated with the breast include: pain, induration, mastitis, mastoz cyst, tumor and cancer. The breast is directly related to the manifestation of the maternal instinct towards children, family, partner, or around the world in general. Problems with breastfeeding, in both women and men say that a man struggling to feed or protect those to whom he shows the maternal instinct.
Show maternal instinct - so take care of another person as a mother cares for your child. Problems with the breast may arise from those who forced herself to care about someone, be a good mother or father. It is also possible that a man struggling to for the sake of those he loves, and forgets about their own needs. In doing so he unconsciously angry at people, which cares because he did not have time to do them. As a general rule, if a person cares about someone, it makes it tough and demanding.
Breast disease can talk about that man imposes on himself too stringent or that his care of itself borders on mania. Do right-handers right breast is associated with a spouse, family or other loved ones, and the left - with a child (or inner child). Do left-handers the opposite is true. If a woman has emerged related to the problem of feeding solely aesthetic nature (sagging, loss of elasticity, etc.), this means that she is too worried about looks like as a mother. It should give themselves the right to be imperfect mother, as we all are imperfect.
Problem associated with motherhood or the maternal instinct says that you should forgive his mother and himself for their attitude to it. If the problem is connected with your maternal instinct, then it is possible to conclude that you somehow had to suffer from the manifestation of the maternal instinct of your mother. Instead of forcing or feeling sorry for yourself, you need to understand that your mission on earth is not just to protect and feed all the people you love.
If these people are asking you to help, and you are able to help them, without going beyond their limits, that is, without losing respect for yourself, do it, but only with love and joy. If you can not or do not want to help, admit it, without feeling guilty. Just tell yourself that you currently can not have someone to help, but try to do it as soon as you get a chance. Do you have too much sense of duty, you are too demanding on yourself. Stop worrying so much about those you love. Mother's love does not necessarily take the form of vigilant care.
But also, I want to say a few words about the chest.
Thorax - part of the body between the shoulders and stomach, which contains the heart and lungs. On the problems associated with it are not only chest pain. In the metaphysics of the breast is a family. Chest pain may indicate that a person has experienced pain in connection with the unsatisfied desire to cuddle up to her chest her father or mother, it could also mean that this person does not allow someone to cuddle up to his chest. It is not excluded that it is inflated, stick out one's chest, trying to seem necessary and important in the family. In addition, any chest pain suggests that a person feels guilty - to themselves or anyone else. He may blame himself or anyone else in the lack of concern for some other members of his family.
If you visit for chest pain, this means that your body is telling you that you have to love yourself and give yourself the right to be themselves, that is to take all their faults and weaknesses. Do not put your happiness dependent on others: do not think you can love yourself only if you love others.
People who suffer from some diseases of the chest, can hold yourself to a positive attitude. They have a few, everyone will be able to choose a suitable one. Do it at a convenient time for you, but better in the morning, on waking, or in the evening in bed before sleep. Pronounce itself one (you can all at once) installation, trying to feel.
1. There is a good balance between what I absorbed, and the fact that I give to others.
2. I need it. Now I take care of yourself, nurture yourself with love and joy (good for diseases of the chest).
3. I recognize the freedom of everyone to be who he wants to be. We are all free, we are safe (good for diseases such: cyst, thickening, pain - mastitis).
Using a positive attitude, you will not only improve the condition of their breasts, but the whole body. Since I am constantly going to repeat that all diseases - from not loving. Love yourself, we can get rid of many ailments.