What to do if you are not ready for a serious relationship
You have received many of the faithful of your marriage proposal. He is in love with you head over heels in and insist that you made him happy. But for some reason you do not agree, saying that you still too early to get married. Your youth - it is certainly a valid reason for postponing the registration of your relationship, but it is possible that your failure has deeper causes. First, you may actually not be ready for a serious relationship: you're not ready to move to a new, more serious stage in the relationship, you are still not fully convinced of his feelings.

It is possible that you are confident in their love and affection for your partner, but just afraid to start an independent adult life together, you think you are not yet ready for marriage, then it is reasonable to wait, but you should gradually prepare for the transition to a new stage in relations. Start with a change of lifestyle, give up their old ways of leisure activities - for example, regular meetings with friends, trips to discos, without which you can not live, try to be replaced by quieter entertainment.
Remember that marriage - is not a permanent celebration of love and youth, it is also a large share of responsibility for the person who is near you. To check your readiness for marriage - try to live together, then you will know whether you are ready for such a serious step, or you have not yet emerged from the age when you have great pleasure to walk and caroused, and not worry about her husband.
Maybe you refuse to link your fate for another reason: you just do not feel to your chosen one of the present and anxious feelings of love. It is possible that you deliberately maintain ongoing relationships with your trusted and proven partner, but he is not rich, neznamenit neprestizhen and therefore not suited to the role of your husband. He - just a fallback for you if you suddenly can not find their destiny.
You are actually cheating on him: you do not want to associate with your fate forever, and at the same time keep it next to him, not giving him the opportunity to find their own happiness. What to do if you are not ready for a serious relationship? If you really want to search more suitable for you, then do not morochte his head - let him go, tell him the truth, uncover him your true motives. It is possible that he will be able to recover from the damage you hit and with time will also be happy, but if you throw it when he was just a life without you is not, then you break his heart and can lead to its total disillusionment with the opposite sex .