What to do in the decree?
What's missing young mother, confined within four walls? Typically, communication, professional development opportunities or self-realization and, of course, mobility. Women are trying to fill these gaps with serials, phone and Internet, but do not always succeed. Home Entertainment delay, they are easy to fall into addiction, losing time and effort. Try to find a worthy replacement for virtual reality, which will not only entertain us but also helps develop new skills and knowledge.
To evaluate the pros and cons of their pastime, it is sufficient to use a simple criterion: Is there any real benefit from the hobby, whether they help you develop, learn whether anything? If the answer is yes and the next show "Soap", call "gatherings" with her friends, walks on the Internet make peace in your life, is saturated with its colors - which means you're going the right way. If these classes create a crack in the relationship with your loved ones make you forget about real life, taking the world of illusion and emptiness, take away precious time, it seems, you should seriously think about planning your day. So, what to do in the decree?
- Among the vast range of modern "soaps" choose the best quality products. How to define it? Yes, even if the game features the actors and the script, which will be attended by non-standard actions of heroes, dynamic plot, neposhly humor. Stop the choice on one or two TV series, spend looking at them no more than one and a half hours a day.
- Formulate what exactly attracts you to this series. Try to tell her husband one of the series during the dinner. If he can safely withstand a ten-story, you made the right choice. It may happen that the husband even liked your story - in this case, ask them to spend an evening watching TV together, and this time boldly write in the article "joint leisure.
- Make it a rule to watch serials only if the child is not sleeping, watching a movie and combine with other things - cleaning, ironing, feeding.
- See the series a bit detached: to learn new recipes, analyze how the characters interact, try to mend relations, negotiate. Try in the next two days, carefully tested methods for your favorite friends.
- If you want to criticize the characters' stupidity, bad script, slowness, the monotony of the movie and a predictable ending, in any case currently in the not refuse! But at the same time ask yourself: Can I really afford to rust your brain under the influence of such low quality products? After that strongly turn off the TV (unless, of course, you have enough of this spirit).
In serials boiling emotions and feelings. We are ready to experience them again and again, knowing full well that no effort from us is not needed. But this time these relationships come to a standstill ... Find the strength to turn away from the TV and look at her man - but not as a miner, who has a family, helping you with your child, take care of your psychological comfort. Let it be in your eyes one of the heroes of the telenovela, which is needed every hour to win and win. Yes, to build real relationships require much more effort and time, but your efforts will pay off completely when you notice that her husband was no longer tries to stay at work, at home and eager, thinking on the way than to surprise and please his wife.
Telephone calls
- Before you pick up the phone and dial a mom or a close friend, think about what you want to ask them about what to tell and whether to do it right now.
- Put a timer on your mobile phone for ten minutes and when it sounds polite, but quickly says goodbye to the interlocutor.
- If a discussion of some actual "child" themes on the phone is delayed, ask your interlocutor to move the conversation outside. There you can, walking with a stroller, easy to talk about their experiences and listen to the precious advice. And the time to lose, and a lack of communication to fill with a vengeance.
- If the phone conversation flows smoothly from the baby and his cold to the bones peremyvaniyu your husband is better soft finish talking, citing, for example, that calls you baby: save not only time but also your nerves.
Remember that your every conversation on the phone must have a purpose and meaning. Only then you will not be putting up, sorry about misspent time spent.
Internet forums
This dependence is the most deceptive. You lead an active correspondence, chat with other forum users on some very important issues - and at some point realize that spend at the computer every free moment ... Try to answer the main question: why did I come to this forum and are there to the use? How wonderful to know the regulars internet forums there are several kinds. Accordingly, the purpose for which the place looks a visitor is defined as: get worn out about anything to get useful information, speak to the eternal theme, or to argue, so checking the level of his intellect and ability to defend their opinions. If every time you're wondering about the purpose of attending the forum, then very soon you are tired of empty talk, which still leave the family money. If you still need for them remains, go to the streets in search of moms with strollers, you can find them necessarily common topics for conversation. Cheap and cheerful.
Some time later to prove their exclusivity on the forum you will simply not interested. And all for the same reason - no reason. No matter how you try, the opponent will be to his own opinion, but the world will ever be the same as before your last visit to the Internet. In search of answers to your questions you'll find that many of the things that can advise on the forums, you already know or can find out for yourself. A search engine went out and brought the answers to your questions much faster than it will specialize in ladies' forums. Do not forget that, no matter how tempting may be a virtual space, no matter how many opportunities it may open up in front of you are living next to people that can and should communicate. Otherwise, getting a lot of new knowledge and skills through the Internet, you forget how to communicate with people on hand if you do not have the computer mouse.
Any dependence succumb to correctly chosen life values. Before we bury the TV, press the handset to your ear, or look for another forum, imagine a list of your priorities: family, child, husband, work, leisure, career ... What comes first, in a second, and that at the last? If you care about family relationships, love, husband, caring for a small, recently appeared on the light man, then you will be easy to turn off the TV, turn off the phone and leave the world wide web.