What to do to become a successful New Year to you
"How to celebrate New Year, so spend it." You use in your life this saying? That is, for many people an incentive to such a tremulous and tender expectation of the New Year. And also to the careful preparation. After all, everything must be perfect. Otherwise, "I'm not spend the whole year." Indeed, so anxious that the upcoming 365 days have brought into our lives something good, something new. But this is just a personal setting, and there is no magic. After all, we are always or almost always find this the most favorite holiday in full dresses at a table with friends and family, with a glass of champagne in hand, and as a result of his conduct as the previous year - a hectic, restless. So do not grieve, if you can not luxuriously, and originally to celebrate the holiday and you are traditionally greeted him quietly, peacefully at home.
You do not have time to implement all plans for the year?
Of course, to celebrate the New Year should be well, if only because it is - a great holiday. But at a time when everything around tossing and running around looking for gifts, Christmas costumes, Christmas decorations, you're sitting, his arms. You expect, of course, something, but somehow dark and sad. We have from childhood to treat this day as the day of magic. Of course, because Santa Claus comes, give us our cherished dream, as a typewriter or a Barbie, and disappear until next year. But the magic dissipated. Why? Is it because we know that Santa Claus does not exist? Is it because we understand this holiday they do the people themselves? None. This is because the New Year - is the transition from one cycle to another. And even you can not say the cycle, and block. Block - life situations, incidents and actions. So, the next block ends, and we sadly realize that much of the planned and conceived, we did not have time. And that we are very sad. And spoil a great holiday. But look around the same! All these people who spend time and money on training, can have time to do everything we planned the first of January? Of course not. All they had no time and a half of his plans but with great optimism, all of their business and jobs, they have shifted into a new unit that will come of that, the first of January.

We will help your dreams come true!
But still, here are a couple of recommendations that will enable the holiday to have fun and relaxed, and the next year to build on schedule.
1. To start, think, what are your hopes for the coming year . Sit and dream. Calculate. Then write it down. All sections of the points, the first - most importantly, the latter - the least important. Write it all: I want to leave, I want a fur coat, I want to repair the bathroom, I want to say Svetka that she put on weight, I want to buy a crocodile, I want to visit the homeland of Santa Claus. Do not neglect anything. Simply arrange everything in order of importance. You is more important to go to Santa than to make repairs in the bathroom? Excellent! This will be a point number one. And so on. But his year, start by thinking through how this can be done. Even if a country does not exist. Perhaps you will be able to open his home Santa, and invite the kids back on the next New Year. This can be a lucrative business.
2. Now, create a list of mandatory cases . For example: to visit his grandmother in a village, to finish his dissertation, find a new job, lose weight 15 kg. All these things you must do is mandatory. How to do it? As simple and easy as a game. Spend a day, any time the execution of each task. For example, from 15 minutes to two hours. But do not turn aside and do not be lazy! Every day. Or to the extent possible. Once the crawl thought: "Now rest a couple of hours watching TV, then eat a chocolate bar, and then really open your dliiiiinny list, immediately get up and run to this very list. And on holidays and chocolate transfer it to another time.
3. Tell your family and friends about their plans to do so-and-so. And when they had during the year will be interested in how to promote your business to these destinations, you will be ashamed and that they did not think you liar, you'll do what intended.
How not to become a client of a therapist ...
The fact that before the New Year psychologists remain without work. These are not people come in complaining of his life, his family and his no luck. People in this period, "acquire" the meaning of life, they are hoping for a miracle. If a person has a goal, then he, being hungry and poor will go toward this goal. When people are preparing themselves for such a holiday as New Year, they forget about their neuroses. They simply have no time. A few days before the holiday, people see the goal - New Year, and he has a sense of meaning in life. That is why, this time he lived, rather than depressing. That's why we like not the New Year, and preparations for it, the process of his expectations. And if you do not drive themselves in a sad reflection on purpose, then everything will take its course. And this holiday can be used as a kind of occupational therapy.
If you do not want in January to become a client of a therapist, do not take the New Year as a huge mountain of positive emotions, for which you will find a new life, only good and light. Look at the holiday as a short period of pleasure, which will give you strength for you to be able to overcome the troubles and hardships, perhaps waiting for you in the new year.
Bitter-sweet new year ...
Try not to forget about anyone who is important to you, and be sure to congratulate him. Someone may say that gifts are not at all impossible to satiate. And you try to send a card, if a person lives far away, or call him on the phone. As would be nice to you if 29 or December 30 in his mailbox, you found a postcard from his old friend. And let the postcard for 70 cents, and he never even bothered to personally sign it, but he also has not forgotten about you, but still congratulated!
There are people who the New Year, as a proper and all holidays, are simply afraid. They would be better left for the moon, would be laid on the ocean floor so as not to experience feelings associated with this holiday. And then you can return again and live - still. Why is it happening to them? Probably because, once they were burned, and instead of the anticipated delight of their disappointed. And the New Year has turned from sweet to bitter day on the calendar. Of course, this can be corrected, but one council can not do here. They need to be sure to think about this problem and try to resolve it constructively. And then all the holidays will bring a lot of positive emotions. What is very important for us all.
We wish you a miracle and a little magic to help your good business!