What to do to get lucky
Maria Semyonovna repeatedly talked to me about different people: "It had to luck rather than on behavior." That is just a lucky man, good luck loves him. I once asked Mary Semyonovna:
Maria Semyonovna, and why is it so happens that one carries, while others - not? Someone finds a million and some one - a stone cottage cheese to break a tooth?
-And that Irina, good luck, - I replied Maria Semyonovna .- alone she loves, while others are just swinging its tail - teasing.
A possible it luck that, as a lure? Well, cajole, or what? - I've never considered myself particularly lucky person, but because I'd love to!
"And it is possible, Irina. Only that luck will never be who is not in itself a gift of fate awaits. I heard that a bird in hand is better than pie in the sky?
Yes, heard, of course.
-That's good, what I heard. I'll teach you how lucky lure, but only if not for their own destiny potyaneshsya, then nothing will.
-And how do you know for your own or not for your own?
-It is very simple: do not desire other people's yes to pie in the sky did not threaten. Well, look: you agreed to, for example, to beat all of your city who are riding on motorcycles, called luck ... I think it will come to you?
-Oh, you, Maria Semyonovna, I do not know how a motorcycle!
-Exactly, I mean something to you and talking about. Not try is not for the business, do not look for someone else's destiny, then you can call luck - it will come to you.
Good luck to us sometimes requires extreme. Now we will study its lure, make it so that we continuously and not occasionally, luck. Maria Semyonovna likes to say: "Not every bullet in the bone so the meat, and another in the field." I would like to have all these bullets - not us, but in the field, right then?