What to do with irritation?
Irritation - this is one of the most shirokoupotrebitelnyh feelings in our society. And it is as useful as everyone else, because that tells us what to do. Irritation of a living organism is experiencing at the moment:
A) experiencing adverse effects of the environment,
B) is experiencing a surplus or shortage of something in his inside and doing nothing.
That is, if the comfort of the body broken from the inside or outside, but the man does nothing to restore it, he feels irritated. Irritation - either healthy reaction of rejection by the body of excess, inappropriate or harmful, it is necessary, as a direct call to action to release, or a reaction to dissatisfaction with the lack of anything indicating the direction of a person to search for the necessary. Allowing a sense of irritation increase, people feel a strong aversion, or protest, or a physiological response of liberation. But often in life we do not let your annoyance efforts, as it is, firstly, refers to unpleasant sensations, and secondly, to show it we do not normally accustomed to. We must remember that, suppressing anger, we condemn ourselves to chronic irritation, frustration and boredom.
Boredom is caused by long-term avoidance of strong emotional experiences associated with the satisfaction of needs: acceptance or rejection. Because the body no emotions or they are suppressed, the body does not occur corresponding micromovements. Then the body feels dead, in life, nothing happens, he remains hungry without the experiences that he would give the movement. As a result, it seems that life raced quickly, without events, boring. Frequent, which causes irritation depressed are psychosomatic manifestations in the form of skin diseases, for example, or respiratory illness (when we are "stifling" to live), or difficulties with digestion - all the time because your body has to "digest" the situation that he "does not in taste.

Irritability is due, inter alia, more positive feelings and unexpressed. For example, if you do not allow yourself to love other people or take their love - you too can experience irritation, since the exchange, if I may say so, love, affection, tenderness, as required for life, as well as other metabolic processes. If you are accustomed to in my life to get from other people's rejection or aggression, then, as a rule, expect them to advance, prepare for it, while all the time in a state of vigilance, alertness, prepared to your reply "weapon" - distrust and hostility. Then you can hardly love, and love you very hard.
The greater the love, the less then stimuli
Irritation - the eternal companion of unrealized desires and needs. I'll tell you about one experiment, which was carried out, scientists who have studied the behavior of monkeys. These cruel people have divided young cubs into 4 groups and placed them in 4 different cells. In one cage the monkey lived with his mother. In other cells instead of mother they had a heated mannequin hairy. In the third cell mother replaced the cold metal monkey dummy, and the fourth a little monkey lived without a mother. For several months, scientists have observed how the monkeys would develop under different conditions. In the first cell of kids running around the aviary, exploring the world and periodically returning to the mother for affection, care, and milk. They are well developed, were curious and bold. In the second cage monkeys returned to dummy more often and longer were around him, paying less attention to the study of the world. In the third monkey cage timidly retreated from dummy for a few minutes, anxiously looking around and moving very cautiously. And in the fourth monkey cage-orphan most of their time huddling together, without expressing interest in the outside world.
Thus, scientists were able to find a connection between development and security. It turned out that the more love, uncritical support and security gets people in early childhood, the more he is inclined to develop an interest in others and to satisfy their needs to understand the world, self-actualization and creativity. If a child in the child was a little love and a lot of loneliness and criticism (that is, there was an adequate level of safety), the person most of her life is busy ensuring their own security. He continues to care for his safety, exaggerating, and sometimes even inventing sources and because of the risk. Safety is a priority for a man, and he dedicates it to all their strength and power and resources to meet their other needs are left. Usually he is hostile to the outside world, waiting for danger on every side, pain, betrayal, insult, distrustful and ... he is extremely bored with life. You can find these people "vseznayskomu" approach to anything whatsoever: they are seen as learned, and boring, do not see the novelty, not willing to update and develop their worldview, are skeptical about the world around us and the unbearable suffering of his "fame" and "predictability." They predict is usually all that fear and do not make a step toward its development. For these people, any step towards the development of risk seems unjustified.
Seek support from loved ones
What to do with irritation? primarily useful to listen to ourselves and to discover ... a lack of support, love and affection. And begin to look for her and trust her. Listen to what they tell you the surrounding as a response to your actions. Fill a plate: Practice, by applying this scheme in their lives during the week. Notice how the feelings for you other people and what happens to you in response to these changes. Record your observations in a retrospective diary. Most such training is suitable closed psychiatric group in which people learn to communicate. "Closed" - means that when it is formed, it can no longer enter the new members before the end of training.
Joint sessions can last from several months to several years. In them, people learn to open up, trust, support each other and receive support, love and accept love (here we mean love, acceptance). When these skills are well formed, they are easily transferable to real life. Currently, group therapy is recognized as one of the most effective, as a group, as in mikrosotsiume, each participant takes their standard behaviors that prevent him from getting out of life what he wants to receive. A leader helps you see and recognize these patterns and organize the right into the group sound experiments aimed at finding the most correct version, which will help to get support, respect and resolve various problems.
If you have any close friends, you're not alone - begin to seek support from them, trust them uncritically and love them uncritically. Uncritically - it means knowing what they like as able, and you too can love as able. When we are able to secure a safe supportive atmosphere when there are people with whom we can share our triumphs and sorrows and to elicit acceptance and warmth, we have the strength and courage to develop and realize their dreams-zovyvat and needs. The earlier we do it, the more time we have left. Irritation is a sign that you have inside there's something ulterior or external environment of your life long ago not suit you. Irritation can also be a reaction to the words of other people if you give them familiar value for you. In this case it is useful to practice and find another meaning of the interlocutor. In order to overcome the irritability, it is helpful to learn how to act in the old situation in new ways.