What to do with pathological jealous?
To the phenomenon of jealousy devoted many jokes and anecdotes. In life, all this is not so fun. Of course, the man of your dreams - is someone who trusts you implicitly. But if your boyfriend still can not boast, it is time to get to work and to dispel his doubts! The name of your boyfriend does not Othello. And yet, he regularly pesters you with the question: "Have you prayed at night, Desdemona?". What to do with pathological jealous? And how to protect yourself?
For a start try to objectively answer the question itself: whether it is justified jealousy? Does it have any reason then you do not trust? Maybe you yourself somehow provoked it? Maybe he can not forget your past adultery, which he learned? Or he does not like, that you are constantly flirting young people? If he was indeed an occasion for jealousy, try to work on yourself and behave modestly. Why provoke a loved one?
Well, in case of objective reasons he was not and he finds fault with a sheer nonsense, it's time for a serious conversation. Do not make excuses in front of him! Not humiliated and do not ask forgiveness for what you're not to blame. Try to make sure that he was confident in your love. Often tell him sweet words, do not hesitate to kiss and hug him in public. Try any of the secrets of what not to do! It is up to no good arguments. For example, you're held up at work the boss.
Afraid of recriminations favorite style: "Why is he detained you? You have that connection? Do you like him? Maybe you slept with him? ". No need to lie, that did not come home on time because visiting a sick friend. Too likely that this same friend at the wrong time will emerge in your life, and with it the truth. And then you'll have many more problems. Curb his accusations in the bud! This is one of the few cases where you can put an ultimatum: either you trust me and do not harass your stupid suspicions, or seek a "more faithful girl! When the problem has gone too far, it makes sense to ask for help from a psychoanalyst who will be able to remove all the unnecessary fears and return to your pair of trust, sincerity and harmony.