What to do with uncertainty?
There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. This difference is easily perceptible, but it is difficult to overcome. You can only say that a person, confident, realistic about their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, without diminishing or exaggerating them. That is, he has a real and not imaginary grounds for confidence. If you are shy, unsociable, and for you the whole problem to call a stranger or acquaintance with someone at the presentation, it makes sense to apply the techniques to enhance confidence and withdrawal anxiety. Thus, overcoming the uncertainty, you will significantly expand its zone of his active life.
Confident people always have a great impact on others. Only the quiet confidence will create a zone of attraction around us, which is always unmistakably felt by the people. Only the inner strength really able to keep us afloat in all situations. Confident people more quickly than others succeed. They are energetic, less dependent on the circumstances, because they prefer to organize themselves. Doubt, we need to part with prejudices of the past. And the confidence to build the future. Insecure people can not be analyzed a difficult situation, unable to venture on a responsible decision. They are not perceived as serious partners in the business. Their characteristic feature - a chronic dissatisfaction with life, they rarely leave a bad mood. They did not know such a thing as willpower.
Confidence - a state of inner strength. The less people own the culture, the less they are able to think and act more quickly to panic. Naturally, that in all stable civilizations is great importance in the establishment of confidence. To fully understand what constitutes a conviction for a start you want to find out that this uncertainty. Uncertainty manifests itself as:
weakness throughout the body;
unnatural gestures;
"Closed" posture;
violation of the respiratory rhythm;
noticeable change in voice;
colorless tone of voice;
inexpressive speech;
vague language;
exorbitant resentment;
feelings of worthlessness, embarrassment, guilt;
sense of loss of control over the situation.
Doubts about decisions always lead to defeat. Whoever takes the right decision, but quickly abandons him, is simply not able to bring it to life. And who can not decide on a solution - you never feel the taste of victory. Indecision and procrastination - Siamese twins. Confidence is shown as:
ease throughout the body;
a sense of inner strength;
natural gestures and postures, graceful movements;
optimistic perception of the world;
emotional and figurative speech;
sense of self worth and pride;
a feeling of complete control over the circumstances.
What to do with uncertainty? course fight! Development of self help variety of factors: self-control, emotional restraint, the atmosphere in the family, the type and level of education. The greater our self-confidence, the less we are concerned about these or other circumstances.
Good preparation
Does a good preparation for work to gain confidence in yourself? Most likely, in the business environment will be found a lot of things that inhibit our confidence is much stronger than poor preparation. Among them - the lack of time allotted for the assignment. If you need to fully concentrate on any work, spare no time and do not neglect the preparation, execution in advance, it will help you achieve the desired result. Many highly qualified experts could not get the attention of the audience just because they have neglected the preparatory work, for example, have established procedures for the slide show or have not thought about the timely distribution of text, comments to the images on the screen were too vague and confusing. In such circumstances, did not save even a brilliant knowledge of the subject: students do not grasp the meaning of the speech, lost patience and started to get bored.
If we are, metaphorically speaking, thrown the gauntlet, and we took the challenge to grow if our self-confidence? In the life of a rare day goes by without a personal challenge, even insignificant. It's a shame to feel guilty every time you do not want to accept this challenge, but apparently, the delay due to fear of defeat. If we are able to accept such a challenge, even at the risk of defeat, we gain confidence in their own eyes. And then no matter what the result of our efforts is small. It is important that a step forward and the next challenge we are no longer afraid.
Mutual confidence
Before analyzing the sense of confidence from other points of view, we should understand that this feeling has feedback. Not only have confidence in yourself, it is important to your confidence and feel more like a personal life and at work. As a large international and small business everywhere, where busy people, creating an atmosphere of confidence is essential, since the obligation to trust. A majority of transactions requires a degree of trust towards the partner, and like a lot of contracts may be signed, the absence of basic trust can be destructive impact on the negotiations and the final result.
Confidence in communicating
People in affluent communication, as a rule, do not have complexes and clamps, self-confident, to cope with shyness, who can respect and love yourself. At the same time they like and other people - it shows that they behave in a courteous, interested interlocutors who can listen. Such people can easily go beyond the limits of their world, unlock themselves and turn to another man, well-being in this outer ring.
Exercise: communication skills
1.Ponablyudayte for people who skillfully and competently communicate. Try it, based on their observations, and identify their shortcomings and mistakes. Perhaps you are too dry, or shallow.
2.Sozdayte image of the "pros" of communication, how you could become, and begin to gradually get used to it.
3.Staraytes put themselves in circumstances that require communicative skills, and keep track of how you communicate, orient themselves in the desired direction. Communication skill comes with experience. It is well known as an experience of the complexes, some teenagers - older people this is not seen.
Appropriateness of communication
To take full communication is very important to be specifically taken aim conversation. Many empty words, no one desired duty phrases appear just because people do not wonder why they are talking, what is it all about. Before each contact is well formulated for himself in full, what do you want to purchase from this situation, and in the process of communicating regularly about this recall, especially when the conversation goes on, unwanted neither you nor the other party, or going in circles, or takes conflictual nature.
The aim should not be understood as something purely practical, it can be exchanged or spiritual pleasure of conversation, but do not kill your time. When invent that all communication can be rational or useless, and that much of it depends on you and on what level of communication you ask his companion. You can take a seat on the bridge, and not to allow his ship to float freely. To do this, talking, you just need to remember that you do: you enter, or maintain contact, share the warmth and involvement, give some knowledge, or seek to acquire the necessary information.
Be confident. Often we can not perform any action because he did not believe that we can do it. Even if you decide to move, but feel insecure around feel and take advantage of this. Self-confidence is not easy, but possible. You only need to be trained. You must learn how to impress a person's confidence both externally and internally.