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What we do not like in men

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What we do not like in men

Loyalty to your favorite mistress - is an unquestionable advantage of two-legged pets. But what if it was your pet does not have it, say, in full? In fact, infidelity is the home of an animal two legs do not like anyone. Of course, you can abandon it and start a new two-legged friend, but what if you love it and refuse it, you're not going? So, you suspect that your pet to think about changing the mistress and already has some development in this area. First of all, do not panic, you never know, maybe the situation is and will turn in your favor.

Firstly, an objective assessment of the type belonging to you the representative male of the breed. Maybe he's a born womanizer, and anything with him about it. In this case, there are two possibilities: either the two-legged like a pet and be endlessly changed mistresses, or whether he will continue his adventures, still dwelling on any one, and probably for you. Whether to continue to keep this two-legged animal as a pet - it's up to you, but, alas, as you have already realized significant improvements in fidelity to his mistress can not be achieved even with training.

What to do if your sweet and gentle animal is not one of Don Juan, but still kept looking at other women? Then we have to take a hard look at themselves first and foremost. Yes, of course, you can suggest a sudden outbreak of a fatal love for some other representative of the fairer sex, but first is still worth looking for a reason in themselves, their behavior. Remember, as you do not create a situation where your home "pet" might have to think about changing the mistress? Such situations, as you recall, was repeatedly described in this publication. Have you changed greatly in recent times and is always whether these changes were for the better?
 Do not want to upset you, but most likely your pet is trying to find on the side of what he lacked at home. While here, in my opinion, not only is there no cause for grief, but, conversely, there is cause for joy: seeing their mistakes, you get a chance to correct them. So, step three: pull yourself together and calm down. I understand that writing about it easily, and to implement much more complicated, but you do want to keep their two-legged animal as a pet? Therefore, no scandals, no one is yet not profit. Communicate with your treacherous two-legged pet as usual, in no case to curry favor with him, trying to prove how wonderful you are, after all, he should feel guilty.

Under any circumstances, even the most tempting excuse not leave anywhere: the situation must be kept under control. Do not show how you depressed and miserable because of this behavior of his pet, because now - not the best time to appeal to his conscience and sense of compassion. Do not pretend sick in the hope that it will tie it to your nest and, of course, to his mistress in need of care. In general, stay by itself, of course, correcting their past blunders and shortcomings, and who knows, maybe you and fail to return the location and love their home game.

What we do not like in men , so it's mendacity. Indeed the desire to cheat nobody likes. But think about what motivates your two-legged pet to lie? If he tries to lie to hide their blunders, perhaps, is the fear of punishment from her mistress.

Agree with your two-legged pet that you will not scold him for his acts if he immediately tells you about it. That will tell, but is not recognized under pressure because he's not in the office of the investigator for particularly important cases is as close to its charming and beloved mistress. Eventually you will only see advantages from the fact that he will honestly tell all, because it will be able to fix it. Of course, you yourself must be probity and his pet - work here the law of specular reflection.

And, once he plucked up courage and told you the truth, keep all your negative emotions and do not scold him, not sawing, are not satisfied vzbuchek, golovomoek, and refrain from remarks like: "Well, I knew it!" "What more of you could expect?" etc., etc., uttered sarcastic or tragic tone. Firstly, there is nothing worse than not keep his promise, and secondly, after this the next time your household pet does not recognize you, even under torture, and thus the whole effect of taming goes awry.

Many members of the male species are characterized by high secrecy , and all that too, can no longer be classified as virtues. Now I do not mean the desire to hide the truth, only a reluctance to talk about themselves, about their affairs. Again, think about the reasons for this behavior of his two-legged friend. Maybe he does not want you to tell in advance about their plans, fearing that not everyone might get as he expected? Remember, the representatives of the male species at all costs tend to be supermen in their own eyes adored mistresses. It is for this reason, many of them do not speak about his bad mood, anxiety and fear: fear that they deem weaklings and whiners. Also, so many silent about the various kinds of ailments, confessing to the disease, even then, when you simply can not tolerate.

However, there are exceptions. There is a special kind of representatives of the male species - hypochondriacs, that is, those two-legged pets, who are constantly looking at his illnesses, real or imaginary, and just love to be treated. About this type we are now and we'll talk. Hypochondria and mistrust can not be classified as a positive features of Representatives male species, and this is something that we do not like in men . Indeed, cohabitation with a hypochondriac is not very pleasant, and sometimes - just unbearable: he has a wool tufts climbs, the tail falls off, then unfastened the back foot, then something else no less terrible is happening. A similar two-legged "pet" is constantly responsive to listen to your body, looking at various system failures.

And, rest assured, he will find them and do not give you any life their complaints. And if you really zaneduzhit hypochondriac, even slightly, say, catch a cold, then everything you put out the light, he will meet in another world, and perhaps that will not write a will. By the way, hypochondriacs just love to be treated in all possible ways. While treatments do not make life in the nest in a living hell, the most that you can do - not to pay attention to wellness and again not to delve into their essence.

Completely prohibit such activities should not, in fact for hypochondriacs, they are a kind of hobby. If you do not listen to his complaints and to share experiences in this matter, he can calm down. Or at least cease to contact you with their imaginary terrible diagnosis, then you basically wanted. I have to say that the full correction of a hypochondriac, chances are very, very small, but significant improvements through sound taming is quite real. And let him prepare medicinal teas from herbs, but never forget to wash pots.

Also, the fair half of mankind do not like the bad habits of their two-legged pets, but we will talk to you enough, dear mistress. In general, tender and gentle animal on two legs like no matter what, and that's great, but those minor drawbacks, they are inherent in the early stages of co-existence, we can always fix it!
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