What we risk in deciding to have a baby?
People love to repeat that there is no greater happiness in a woman's life than motherhood. In doing so they completely forget that the baby - then once and radically change their lives. This, anyway, the risk of ... As kids we all played with great enthusiasm in the daughters and mothers and were firmly convinced that the children - an integral part of the family and just a great joy. I remember when me and my girlfriends were five years old, we all like a dream to have five children, when I grow up. And so we grew up, and what happens? Career cycle, merry party in night clubs and trendy cocktails, impractical mini-skirts, even in cold weather, incessant flirting with all the individuals of opposing male.
Closely examining our adult life, involuntarily come to the conclusion that there are not many places for family happiness and joys of motherhood. Pregnancy, childbirth and the subsequent care of a child - it is definitely stressful. Many of today's girls perceive motherhood as a "step to nowhere" or a huge risk. What we risk in deciding to have a baby?
1. Girls are afraid of radical changes in their lives, they fear that with the advent of a child disappears while in contact with friends, career and just for herself.
2. Girls are afraid of possible changes in the relationship with your partner. Or maybe he will grow cold to me now? What if we stop having sex? And suddenly he will lead with someone on the side?
3. Girls scared suddenly leaning responsibility.
4. Girls are afraid of getting fat, and run themselves. Nobody wants to turn into an awkward and broody with the screaming child in her arms.
5. Girls are afraid of themselves childbirth and pregnancy.
Significant role in the formation of all these fears are myths and scary stories published on any women's Web sites and in magazines. When we were a hundred and twenty-five times tell what horrors may lie in wait for us after the birth of a child automatically start envision gloomy picture. A painting in his mind bleak picture, you're risking much to materialize them in their lives. When we were young, we knew nothing about all the possible problems, but because if motherhood seemed to us joy, and not a risk factor. So try to also regain a wonderful feeling. The fact that your neighbor during pregnancy husband left her and the fact that your friend has recovered twenty kilograms after the birth, still does not mean that you face the same fate.
If you're positive charge, if you will enjoy every day of her pregnancy, if you will with joyous anticipation of waiting, when you become a mother - none of these problems, most likely, generally you will not touch! And therefore, no risk will not be! As an example, I gladly give his former odnogruppnitsu Zhenyu. She became pregnant at eighteen, and came to his mother, announced that it wants to have an abortion: "I can not stand it - she said Zhenya, - first, toxemia, and then this huge belly, and then delivery. It's too painful. " At that mom just casually waved his hand: "Nonsense! When I was pregnant with you, I had no toxicity, no hard labor. Gave birth to a half hour, even had no time to get scared. And you probably will as well: after all, my inheritance! "
It is amazing, but it turned out. All months Zhenya never knew what toxicosis. And when it came time to give birth, was still running. One weekend she and her husband went to the cottage. Zhenya took to wash the floors. Suddenly, she wrung her back. The husband was frightened and offered to go to the hospital. "Nonsense, - waved Zhenya, - I have that, I'll go to the hospital every time I had a back ache?". Still, my husband insisted. Twenty minutes later, after they reached the hospital, gave birth to Zhenya: "So this was the bout - was surprised Zhenya - sorry, I do not understand! I thought I was just back hall ". Incidentally, it turned out that Zhenkina mom lied. In fact, it has been a difficult and prolonged labor, but it was no longer important. That's what the right mood!