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What women say

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What women say

Talk to women is not easy. It is a truism. We do not understand them, they do not understand us. But they, my dear, are in a better position. We have to talk about nothing but logic. They have everything else. And even if the truth is not on their side, we still have little chance of winning in the dialogue. Even if we manage to convince her that they were right, it will be a Pyrrhic victory. So much effort and nerves go away, just guard ... Maybe that is why Henri de Monterlan said: "I love women, but I can not stand their society." And we're just talking. There's still a whole bunch of classes, where men have difficulty.

Bring a small dictionary. What women say and what they also want to say. No, sometimes they say exactly what they mean. But it is rather an exception to the rule. Usually have to thoroughly work hard to decipher this letter nodular. Here are some of the most common women's catchwords and phrases that mean far more than it seems at first glance.

What women say and what they also want to say

Five minutes . At least half an hour. High - as much as she needs, and not a minute less. Well-known anecdote about this:

A woman tells her husband:

-I for a moment I'll run to a neighbor. Do not forget to stir the soup every half hour.
Excellent. The women say "excellent" to complete the already pointless argument when they feel that they are right and you it's time to shut up. This is a peculiar point. Which does not promise you anything good.

Nothing. Another terrible word. "What makes you upset?" - "Nothing." All that awaits you, "a five-minute" scandal, which will end the argument as "excellent." These words a woman wants to convey the complex range of sensations, which arises from a normal person when he talks to utter nothingness, and also complete idiot and selfish.

Forward. You are going to serious problems. Magnitude of the problem depends on exactly how you said it is the "forward". If this was said with raised eyebrows, you are challenged. Like, well, well, see how you'll get out when you sit in a nice puddle. Very soon, followed by "anything" with the release of "excellent" at the end. "Forward", said with eyebrows to their normal position, means "surrender" or "I do not care, do what you want." Further developments will depend on your actions. If you continue to persist in their heresy, they soon hear the "forward", said with raised eyebrows. Be followed up with "nothing" and "excellent."

Sigh - this is not the word, of course, but it is information, not less or more. Sighs could be different. Respectively, and they mean different things. Noisy vzdohsrodni "nothing." Noisy sigh means she thinks you are complete idiot and wonders what you spend on the best years of his life. Often preceded by a noisy sigh of the argument "nothing." Easy vzdohoznachaet that it basically satisfied. In order not to violate it is rare for her state, you best not to move and breathe.

Everything is fine. This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make a man. "It's okay" means she wants to think carefully before paying for your perfect mistake. "It's okay" is often used in conjunction with the word "excellent" in conjunction with raised eyebrows.

Do it, be kind. This is not a request. This insistence on the proposal. A woman gives you a chance to apologize or excuse for your perfect mistake. You have the opportunity to set things right.

Thank you. Just thanks.

Thank you very much. But it has nothing to do with a normal human "thank you" does not. The woman says "thank you" when you finally brought it out himself. Expect you to sigh, "nothing", well, then the "excellent" or "forward". Remember all that easy. Much more difficult to prevent at least one of these catchwords ...

Yes .- Het.

Het .- Yes.

Maybe .- Het.

No .- Maybe.

I do not know .- Guess itself.

I blame .- You'll be sorry.

We'd need .- I want.

Up to you .- I told you what to do. Do not listen to - blame yourself.

Do what you want .- Later on you will regret it.

We'd need to talk .- I want to complain.

I was not offended .- Of course, I was offended, dummy!

Be romantic, put out the light .- I have a plain breast.

This kitchen is so inconvenient .- I want a new apartment.

I want new shoes ... - ... and a handbag, and a suit and a fur coat ...

Do you love me? - I want to ask you for something very expensive.

How much do you love me - today I did something that you do not like it.

I'm not very fat priest? - Tell me I'm beautiful.

You do not know how to communicate normally with people .- Just agree with me.

I do not cry! "- Yes, I cry because I think it's important!
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