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What women want men

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What women want men?

What do women want from us? Sadly, it is not the same thing we want from them. Moreover, they believe that many of our desires - nothing but a pure disgusting to them, beautiful. For example, they prefer to make love, not sex. Strange people ... I'll start a little distance. Find out what they think we underestimate.

Thus, we underestimate a woman ...

... Their efforts during pregnancy, childbirth and child-rearing

Comment. In principle, it is still that we will complain about having to work on the roach, zakolachivaya coin for her and her child. Us it should be done, we are doing. Not very demanding some special understanding. Of course, the work - not to have ... But something heroic about that every day of his pants sit in the office there. They also claim to be read like this: "You are not helping us with the housework." Rightly or wrongly - you decide. I'm just stating a fact.

... Their household chores

Comment. See above. All the same. Helps more, praise more often, require less. No brainer ...

... Their minds

Comment. I wonder what they actually mean? Completely incomprehensible claim. How can we underestimate what can not comprehend? Or simply periodically to admire her intelligence and wit, without trying to understand what she says? You can, of course, and to do so. But it's not always the same! By the way, since women officially allowed to be clever, they are rushing to their intelligence, like a chicken and egg. Some do not even so hurt to hear it plain as the fact that she was stupid. Full Changeling ... And smart they are trying to be clean like a woman - not opening any scientific do and talk about their wordly intellectual abilities at any congresses feminists. That is, once again taking his throat. But we appreciate their mind. Yes. (Who cares, see more about that in my book, "Big Men's secrets.")
... Their attention to your loved one

Comment. In human understandable statement. Need to be written from happiness, if she has expressed concern and bought a new tie as a gift ... The trouble is that they really require from us brutally emotional expression of feelings. We know what to say 'thank you' enough. This is our expression of feelings and emotions. And we appreciate their attention. But they need a puppy dog enthusiasm, which is not held for months - if they consider our sincere gratitude and complete. There is a different attitude to life. Can not be helped, if you want normal relations, sometimes not a sin and povizzhat delight.

... Their opinions and judgments

Comment. This is thought not me, that they say so. Question: How does the mind of the opinions and judgments in this context? Or think they are one place, and judgments tolerate others? It is absolutely incomprehensible. Oh well ... The essence of the claim is as follows (translating from the language on the human female): We often enough do so, as they tell us. The logic is simple as a penny - if you do not what I said, so consider me stupid and do not listen to my opinion. Indeed, you can not argue ... And by the way, they terribly offended by the old adage true: "Listen woman, and do the opposite."

... Their ability to give love

Comment. Again it is not clear distinction between the "attention to your loved one" and "ability to give love." Apparently, there are some nuances that are understandable only to them. The essence of the claim is the same: do whatever you like, only more intense rejoice and give thanks for every good deed and word. Better at this pour tears of emotion. Good jump and clap their hands. In general, anything like that.

... Their desire to please a man during lovemaking

Comment. Now that's chutzpah! If we see that it went out of climbs to us please something that kind, we are very grateful, appreciate it and encourage you. And if she thinks that, if laid in bed with us, we should fall into a swoon of ineffable happiness ... what's to appreciate? Completely incomprehensible. In general, healthy way of annoying them to give their consent to have sex for a great sacrifice. As if only we need it ... It does not agree totally. Yes. Claims completely unfounded.

Accordingly, they want us to be reformed drastically started it all to appreciate and respect. The desire is quite legitimate and understandable. But this is not becoming more feasible. And again it is not feasible because of the paradoxes of female logic. For all this to appreciate the way they wish, we should be the same as they are. That is - thin feel, emotionally, who know how to express their feelings, etc. it.p. Change almost his nature.

The image of the ideal man

Sociologists have launched their tentacles in this exciting progressive all the male population of Russia topic. Findings do not affect the novelty. Not at all. All this we knew, and without the wise bearded accountants. At the same time, there are some points that are a little upset. (But more on that later.) Thus, the most important from the standpoint of our women as the ideal man (percentage):

1.Intellekt - 36,7

2.Fizicheskaya strength and health - 36.0

3.Umenie earn money - 34,1

4.Otsutstvie bad habits - 28,6

5.Uverennost in itself - 23,1

6.Vernost in love - 21,9

7.Chuvstvo humor - 17,6

8.Seksualnost - 17,0

9.Privlekatelnaya appearance - 15,7

10.Dobrota - 13,4

11.Lyubov to children - 12,7

12.Hozyaystvennost - 9,0

13.Legky character - 6,1

14.Tverdost - 5,3

In the top three by a considerable margin includes such qualities as intelligence, health and ability to earn. Which once again confirms: relation to our brother purely consumer. Begs the question - how are we with these qualities to show the wonders of understanding other people's difficulties? Yes way. Clearly drawn image edakogo healthy intelligent hard workers, intellectuals without any sentimentality. Even if we were burning with desire to please them, we would have to break his back. Conclusion: do not know what they want. So that we can calmly no fuss. After all, almost certainly, is the man to begin to appreciate, be touched, immensely respect and empathize with how soon a woman will lose to him every kind of interest.

Only because any more at that time he will not. It just goes to someone who would be better to provide it and at the same carefree spit on her claim for consideration. Another interesting fact is that the humor is more important than our sexuality. Laugh them seem to like it more than sex. And then they complain that we do not appreciate their willingness to give us pleasure in bed ... Well, if you laugh at something! .. But seriously, their demands for an ideal man is completely valid.

What women want men? A woman needs a normal hard-working big guy who will provide her and her child a normal life. It is in them, as I said before, somewhere on a subconscious level. So to think that the soul is fine so other otherworldly pluck them attract, along with flowers and sighing at the moon - a sure sign of dementia. Harbor such illusions excusable to some spotty youngster experiencing flour puberty and composes poems lonely evenings. But not adult male. Stories and moaning about the lack of compliments and attention - no more than empty stories. No, these things they like. Maybe they even need them. But only in cases where a man is, the first five qualities from the above list. In people, this is called "mad with fat." When they acquire the handle to their tenacious normal man, they soon get bored. It was then float compliments and other stuff.

Whatever they may say to us, no matter how whined nor complained about, nor pretended to have to remember one thing: not in the nature of a more pragmatic and calculating creature than a woman. All of their weakness, vulnerability, romance and other ahs-sighs are tricks that allow them to survive in this world. And the list as the ideal man - the best proof. Where there is goodness? In tenth place. Love for children - at the eleventh. Even the faithful in love (of which they are filled nightingale all day) to honor the sixth ... And the first five nothing to do with the romance has not.

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