What you need for happiness?
Be happy - this is also the goal. To achieve the goal, it should be. Determine for yourself as you realize that you are happy for any signs. What do you want to be happy? " If you do not clearly know the parameters, signs and markings of your happiness, then it may come, but you will not notice it. If happiness for you - this is when you love, be defined so as you'll find that you like: that will say and do, this man who loves you, then he would not talk and will not do? The more options and features you will find, the clearer will be your aim and easier for her journey. Try playing in his happiness. Remember how you played earlier in the daughters and mothers and have built an ideal family and the perfect house, or (if you're a man) when you make models of ships and planes? Try your luck on the taste, the color, the smell. Select the key roles and the scenery - you'll determine where your happiness is possible and with whom.

Designation of specific traits and happiness will have two important functions:
1.Po him, you guessed it - that something that you expected, it is now, and will not pass by.
2.Osoznav these signs, you can now put to rest in your life everything that does not match your idea. If the person next to you who is doing something that does not suit you, or does something that you need - it's time to tell him about it. Perhaps, he learns from you what you need, and give it to you, and if not - then why take the vacant seat?
In order to feel happy, it is important not only to draw the scenery, but also fill them with things that bring you joy. Make a list of what you always happy and gives you pleasure, that without which life would become a drab existence. It can be weekly gatherings with friends in a cafe, a new book, shopping, etc. Make it a rule to conduct an inventory of its list and, as its implementation, cross out something that adds something. See how many from this list you implement in your life. If little, then what's stopping you? And remember: We have everything in life comes when we allow ourselves.
Live in the present
Lao-tzu, the founder of Taoism, said: "If you want to know, what was your past life, look at the past in this life. If you want to know what will happen to you, look where you are now and what happens to you. " Knowing the past helps us understand why we are here now and why are we, what is, why with us it is these people. The past - it is our experience. Now helps to understand what will be our future. Therefore, to ensure that our future would be what we want to create it should be here and now, not postponing.
The past gives us no excuse for what will be in the future. It was part of our lives, and it is in our hands as we did. Now - this is from what will be done our future. Look around you, look closely at their present and perform the audit. Answer yourself the following question: what can be done from this raw material? As it can be processed to him turned out of diamond? What right this minute, you can opt out what to do and what to get that on this foundation to build the future? Ask yourself these questions every morning, and on this basis, make changes to your present day, adjust it, discard the old and add new. Building the Future is every minute, and you - his chief architect, foreman and builder.
Modern culture requires less to think about death, for death - is something very unpleasant and hopeless. But if we do not think about it, then live as if we have a lot ahead of time. We often say to myself: "Do it tomorrow", not allowing the thought of that one tomorrow may not come. If we do not think about death, we postpone the solution of problems of life "for later". We can tell ourselves that we still have time to be happy. We are in no hurry to clean up the case. But old age and death always come unexpectedly, and if we still have a little time to look back, look at your life, we may realize with horror that had not been happy.
From experience we know that the most unhappy dying are those who lived his life not as it wanted, who compromised where not want to go, who are afraid of change and afraid to speak out and express their will. As long as we think "there's another way, there are other possibilities and they lie in the future - we are missing, like sand through your fingers, the precious moments of the present and the opportunities that their stuff right now.