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When a similar wound

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When a similar wound

If you constantly suffer from a "prick" and acute observations of mother you are a man, try to determine when and why your communication has become so unpleasant for you and painful. Maybe at some point you have stopped living to listen to their loved ones, and so your family members feel useless to you, abandoned and forgotten? Then it is understandable why your loved one is always unhappy with you, makes you any comments, criticizes your behavior and way of thinking ... achem yet it can to attract your attention? If you are drawn away from their loved ones, your relatives will certainly feel it and try to rectify the situation even so, not too pleasant for you to read. And how can blame them for it? when close wound, think about your behavior, consider all its actions in recent years and decide if you like to live like this. Perhaps you yourself realize that unfairly insulting his native people in defiance to their problems and feelings. Correct the status quo will be difficult, but possible.

If a similar criticism
Sometimes our relatives plotting original game - in criticizing us beyond measure, they seem to "be felt" our armor, trying to break our protective armor and pobolnee us vulnerable. You, most of all, it happened to become a target for the derision of your loved ones: recall even one time when you briefly shorn ... Your husband said that your protruding ears now seem even more, his mother shrugged and said that you become like a typhoid patient, the brother of a long and persistently called you "Pumpkin," and so on ... Or maybe you have a memory pops up that day when you bought a gown - be aware that if you have heard about your back, legs and neck? .. Only the native people can be so cruel! I know it is not worse than you, I'm also a woman, and also suffered from criticism. However, I have learned to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon, and I want to teach you everything I know myself.

What is the purpose of our households have resorted to such radical means its impact on our women's psyche, as a criticism? Why would they do it? Most often it is, oddly enough, revenge: for example, the husband of a complex about his age (weight, body type, unenviable social position), is jealous of you to more successful men (according to your spouse to work you go just to meet with a lover! ") and, in order to feel at the height starts to humiliate you. A strange thing: he does not want to get rid of their complexes, does not want to be above all these little things, no - he prefers not to own up and belittle you, it's easier. And the pleasure he gets from your confusion and disappointment. It's a shame, of course, when your husband is behaving well, but unfortunately, it is very common situation in life, unsure of themselves all the men do to their wives to feel at ease.

In principle, the remaining members of the household have criticized you for the same reason - they feel worthless, useless, abandoned, accidents and so forth, but suffer alone they do not want. And because they begin to pin up your - on the background of your humiliation, they seem to themselves more relevant. Mothers, for example, be pleased to try to discover from their daughters new wrinkles, gray hairs and folds of fat, cellulite, perhaps you are familiar with! And you really suffer from this "living truth", and his mother comforts you, but at heart she is pleased that you are no longer so young, she, she is aging, and this is her main suffering in their lives! In fact, a mother scared that you're in the heat of an argument or even just for no reason would call her old, and not waiting for it, makes the first move - recorded in the old you. And you, acknowledging her words true, playing on her hand, if you were more confident in themselves special, they would never have made the maternal criticism in the faith!

Daughter-in-law and

There are even more strained relationship with daughter-in-law: it is not just a confrontation between two women, young and aging is a real war for the right to fully enjoy the grand prize. As you might imagine, as a prize in favor son, who is also her husband, her mother wants to stay in the heart of his son and to occupy a dominant position there, the same wants and the wife ... I'm not saying that it happens always, in many families the daughter-in-law get along fine ... But honestly, the best relations between the two women are in families where two generations are separated, as they say, kilometers. That is, in-law living separately from his family of his son. This makes sense: two housewives in the same house always do not live well - the youth can not stand when it is taught, and the maturity hates disorder, disorganization and frivolity of youth. Perpetual conflict, let alone can you do.

What is mother in law can accuse his wife of his son? The fact that it does not take care of her husband, not to keep order in the house, can not cook, does not want to be a good wife, and so on. And what, in turn, the daughter can blame the mother of her husband? In the desire to embroil her with her husband, that it all sticks his nose in boredom and arrogance, but you never know what. True, if the mother in law can afford to make critical comments out loud (although it would be better, of course, is not allowed!), The daughter, usually have to restrain themselves - it is believed that maturity has the right to instruct youth, and youth should silence all listen and do what she is told. But who in the younger years of a distinctive obedience and diligence? No, whether in-law at least three hundred times right, the constant moralizing and nit-picking on her part would only worsen the situation in the family, will make it completely unbearable. After all, you yourself understand perfectly well that criticism (especially unfair) no one could love!

It is a pity that few people remember it: in our family there is always a lot of selfish reasons to pull us down to earth. But who told you that you should take to heart all the bad things that you say? You may say to me - but how is it they say, it's my family, I can not just dismiss their words ... Can you still as you can! And even the obligation - to preserve their own peace of mind and inner harmony. You want to be happy? Hence, stop believing everything you hear from his household, or rather, carefully sort the received information from them and never mind more than what you might find in life. If you yourself do not poberezhete, then who will do it for you?
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