When it is better to marry
Marriages made in heaven ... Life confirms - is not just nice words. Everything has its own reasons - people do not accidentally come together and not apart, too. In recent years, many couples refers to astrologers with questions: "When should I marry?" Or "When should I marry?". And it is no accident. The correct choice of date for marriage is very, very important role in human life, especially nowadays, when almost all countries half or even two-thirds of marriages end in divorce. Not for nothing that the ancient wisdom says: "Choose not only suitable partner, but also an appropriate day for the marriage itself." And although the date for the marriage is not a guarantee of a happy marital life, the choice of a successful wedding ceremony date increases or decreases the chance of a happy marriage. Horoscope time of registration affect the future relations of the spouses. The main criteria for choosing a wedding date are: year, month, day and time of the alleged triumph.
Year on year is not necessary
Modern newlyweds sure to play a wedding in a leap year means condemning his marriage to collapse. After all, noted that the leap years for many people are quite heavy - increases of conflict, death ... If we look at history, you can see quite a different picture. Indeed, every four years, young people are not worried about matchmakers, and the bride's parents' home was started not celebratory commotion. But this does not mean that lovers could not get married. What is most remarkable, woo ... go girl. It turns out that leap year was the year of brides who could themselves choose a husband! And to deny his fiancee, gets to only in very rare cases, but the mention of them did not survive. Following a leap year, believed to be attending a year of widows, widowers, who replaced a year. Some think that these beliefs with the terrible time of war, is so deeply entrenched in people's minds. But the events of olden days, we will not dwell on them please!
To suffer or languish?
Most unfavorable for the month of weddings for centuries considered May: "In May the good people do not marry," Who will marry in May, he will age to suffer. " But with anything related to this sign - almost nobody knows. The thing that May - a month of farm work. And she went to sign it with the villages, where, in principle, and is based on the entire Slavic folklore. Spring may be a bad time for weddings. And it was done in order to amorous affairs do not interfere with cultivating the crop. As the saying goes, love comes and goes, but always want to eat. Therefore, played the wedding after the harvest, mostly in September and October. But we are living in different times, so probably you should not blindly follow the tastes of people's will. Although, as the saying goes - just in case it is better to devote the month of May preparing for a celebration, wedding anniversary . After all, one way or another, the most appropriate time of year for the spouses of modern couples is summer: the table and you can vary all sorts of fruit, and you can celebrate the outdoors, and dress the bride will choose the easy and graceful. A new Western tradition Honeymoon also be best addressed under the rays of the warm summer sun. If your wedding day the young sprinkle drops of rain, then that's great - for all the marriage does not happen to young cry.
Formula each day
Now the days of the week. Failure of marriage have always been considered on Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday - day to run the world aggression Mars, brings to life the couple many quarrels and quarrels. On the other hand, the cooling of relations of this pair is less threatening than others - the indifference of the marriage, is virtually impossible - or love, or hate. Ruler Thursday Jupiter ignites permanent dismantling on the topic: "Who's the most important?". Just not uncommon in families created on Thursday, infidelity and jealousy. Not the best days are Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday, driven by Mercury, lays a few cool, rational attitude. While on the other hand, if the spouses hold liberal views on marriage and do not want to constrain the freedom of each other, that day may not be so bad.
On Saturday, most often play weddings, but this day will bring happiness only to those who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of the family and their personal lives and careers. Patronizing Saturn - the planet of self-restraint and self-denial. If, however, crave intellectual communication, intimacy, fulfill sexual fantasies until the paint. If, however, the debt brought you to the Palace of the marriage, the marriage will make happy only the fidelity and the willingness of both spouses at any price to keep the family hearth. Often, marriages on Saturday, are not rosy, but quite durable. Often, this marriage of convenience.
Moon Day - Monday - provides a very subtle emotional connection in the family. Relations are very complicated, depending on many details, from mood swings, and even on the fluctuations of weather. But so indifferent to each other these spouses can not be called! The best days for a wedding - Friday and Sunday. Friday ruled by Venus - the planet of harmony and peace. She has always been considered the patron of lovers. Sunday - Day of the Sun - a wonderful day. Everything that begins under the auspices of the Sun brings joy. Partner will inspire you, to help achieve all of what you dreamed of - and in my personal life and in art, and in his career.
Mysterious ways of the planets ...
There are specific periods of time, when to marry, to marry and to play a wedding is not desirable. First of all, it's those moments when Venus is retrograde, ie, when it moves across the sky opposite way. People, combined bonds of marriage at this time may very soon cease to love each other. The very fact that this marriage will say that they have not yet figured out exactly what they want out of a relationship. Marital union will be in something like house of cards - there is no solid foundation, everything is more uncertain, unsteady, changeable ... Venus retrograde period will run from 27 July to 8 th September 2007.
Any astrologer knows that during the period of retrograde motion of Mercury does not make sense to start new businesses and projects, prepare documents. During this period, the documents may be ill-formed, different certificates and documents are lost, frequent delays and various other misunderstandings. Whatever happened to the Mercury retrograde, this event as it is devoid of energy. At this time, contraindications to marry or not marry there, you just have to prepare for that confusion will accompany the whole marriage process, and also impose some imprint on the family life. Communication between spouses is subsequently not as open as we would like. Mercury retro period will take place in 2007 from February 14 to March 8, from 16 June to 10 th July, from 12 October to 2 nd November.
Lunar pass to the registrar
Pay attention to the lunar calendar. It is best to play a wedding in the growing moon - this ensures a constant interest in each other in communion as husband and wife. Well, if the moon falls in the zodiac, are prone to family life and partnerships, such as Taurus, Cancer, Libra. Moon in Aquarius facing young families the opportunity will soon get bored with each other and to the campaigns "left", the Moon in Scorpio and Virgo predicts the loss of a spouse under tragic circumstances. Unfavorable for the wedding are: the 9 th, 12 th, 15 th, 19 th, 20 th 23rd, 29 th lunar days. Perfect for wedding days: 3rd, 6 th, 12 th, 17 th, 24 th, 27 th. Others lunar days are neutral.
Lunar eclipse - that's another day when you should not marry. Everyone knows the sad story of Princess Diana, who divorced Prince Charles a day luchnogo eclipse. According to the astrological canon eclipse uniquely symbolizes the dissolution of marriage.
My friend, Irina, ugorazdilo designate the day of his marriage was on the day of the lunar eclipse. As I have not discouraged - she make excuses and say that all this nonsense, folk superstitions. On the day of the triumph of troubles began in the early morning. First, the bride's veil torn accidentally. Hole somehow repaired, but the mood was spoiled. Then a car that was carrying the young in a registry office, got into a traffic jam and they missed the wedding ceremony. Directly during the ritual exchange of rings, the groom dropped the ring for the bride and searched for several minutes on the floor. The newlyweds were upset to tears, the guests were inflated nervous state. And then this young family conflict began - with the smashing of dishes, shouting, swearing and fighting. Six months later, the marriage fell apart ... But there was love, had a good relationship. And there was a sign that the young had been ignored. Would have paid attention to him and moved to the wedding day, maybe things would have been quite different ...
This is the most basic rules of classical, but there are many others who only know a professional astrologer. If you're going to get married and want everyone to have passed the highest level, refer to the astrological advice. An astrologer can help you choose the most auspicious time for marriage, and possibly save you from possible troubles and disappointments.
But the main thing - do not forget to choose a date for a successful wedding celebration is not enough to find happiness in family life. If the spouses are incompatible with each other in key areas of life, they will not be able to build harmonious relationships and giving joy, even in spite of the favorable position of planets in the special day. If the couple are very different people - in the house would not consent. Love relationships can be successful, harmonious and pass the test of time, only if men and women have much in common, ie, they share interests, desires and tastes of each other. On the other hand, if they have much in common, but do not love each other, their marriage will not be long. Formula happy marriage - it is mutual love and harmony in the intellectual, spiritual and sexual spheres. In this case, you can say for sure that the marriage will be successful in whatever day it may be concluded.