When silence - not gold
Sometimes silence is very helpful. This is evidenced by the ancient proverb "silence - gold, and fashionable slogan" sometimes it's better to chew than talk. " And yet there are situations where partisan habits is not in your best interest ... When silence - not gold at all. Disassembly and division of power can happen in any family. Disputes about who the boss is often tedious and meaningless. On the other hand, remain silent and to agree with everything that will tell your husband / mother / mother-in-law / mother in law or other family member who takes the position of commander in chief, is also pretty stupid.
Here are some situations in which you have the right to vote and must use it to protect your family's interests.
1.Kvartirny question! If your relatives thought up to gather / disperse / pro-make / buy or privatize the apartment, be sure to take in discussions on this topic very active! Of course, to enter into someone else's position is necessary, but about themselves should not be forgotten! Do not let anyone prescribe to your living space without your permission. Of course, there are situations where you think it's easier to pull the plug, not to spoil relations in the family and to allow relatives to do with an apartment or anything else. This is a very shortsighted! You can not fight for their rights only in the apartment when you have enough money to buy another apartment. Otherwise, assert your housing interests to the last, except at one point to you may be addicted daughter, your husband's first marriage or second cousin's wife with a brood of cats.

2.Esche one situation in which one can not remain silent when the situation in the family you absolutely do not like and you feel about this long experience. For example, my friend Natasha for a long time was "home hostage." On her shoulders were absolutely all domestic issues and responsibilities - from cooking dinner for a family of five persons to cleaning, shopping and utilities. Almost three years it was torn to pieces, trying to catch to pay for the light to buy meats and nazharit burgers in record time, while her husband was watching football on the NTV-Plus, the mother was knitting сто twenty-fifth pair of socks, and his father was busy in the garage with his old "penny".
Once Natasha's patience ended. "Everything I've had enough!" - She screamed .- Either you start helping me around the house, or I'm going, looking for another maid! "Mother looked at each other in surprise. "Yes, we would long ago have helped you - surprise his mother said - we did not know ... you are silent. And we especially do not climbed for you, thought, economy - your element, you will be unpleasant if we are to invade your territory. " I think comments are not required. Almost every problem in the family can be resolved in the interests of all its members, but need to stop sulking silently at each other and sit at the negotiating table.