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Where are the idealization

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Where are the idealization

If you know the sources, then maybe you can somehow affect their appearance here and thereby avoid the unpleasant process of spiritual education, that block the path to the desired goals. Where are the idealization? Sources of idealizations, there are many. Briefly enumerate them.

 The first years of life
Everything starts from infancy, from the first years of life. Scarce heard sounds of life around and make the appropriate conclusions, some of which can then be transformed into an idealization. For example, the lack of attention and love to the child by parents can lead to idealization of his imperfection. A child who has not received a child enough love and attention, feels bypassed, disabled, crippled and can go with this unconscious sense of life. Him all the time will be required external confirmation of its usefulness, a permanent approval of the people around them. And with that, of course, may be difficulties, which imply the long-term dissatisfaction with himself, often has no basis in reality.

A slightly different version - loving but over-strict and strict parents, supervisors, aspiring to a very early age to raise an obedient child. Most likely their child will be excessively obedient and passive, ie will have all the same idealization of its imperfections. Sometimes the child perceives the parents, the overseers of the model interact with the world (soaked their vibrations), and from it grows the despot-controller. The most severe variant is obtained when one person connected to the idealization of control and the idealization of his imperfection. It turns out option: "I do not know and do not know how, but I teach all to live." It happens, but imagine how difficult man to live with this explosive mixture of unconscious internal installations. In general, the first years of life give a very long inside the installation, which then give rise to infinite experience, ie idealization.

 Experiences and beliefs of parents

The next source of appearance of idealizations - that experience and the beliefs that parents send their children guidance and voicing his thoughts. Many parents, for their views on education, actively reward the children appeals such as: "stupid, sad sack, bummer, bummer," and other similar epithets. Since that parents are very meaningful for children, these estimates are easily stored in the subconscious mind and affect his life. As a result of the most energetic child can grow forever hesitant and bumbling adult with an idealization of its imperfections. In fact, so is mental assaults on children by parents. They may do this consciously, constantly repeating some phrases like: "Keep it safe Whether you like it! It is not for you! Know your perch! "These phrases are perceived by the child as a future position in life, and the results of its implementation are obtained, as you know, not very happy.

Since the attack on the child goes on a mental level, it is very difficult to reprogram an adult. We have met many people whose lives have been ruined by such unconscious beliefs. Usually it is people over-suspicious, closed, secretive. Clearly, all these personal qualities accompanied by the relevant thoughts and feelings, ie, idealizations. But even without words, a simple observation of family life, parents can create a set of idealizations.

 Influence of environment, society

The next source of idealizations can be regarded as the ideas that the child receives from other people in the form of clear guidance, or simply in the form of public opinion. For example, the idealization of the family as a very tough internal beliefs such as "a woman should have a family and children," "not be ashamed married" can be obtained from both parents and from friends, relatives and acquaintances who are looking at a lonely woman with compassion how to defective or poor. Obviously, that thereby they generate from her feelings of inferiority and a desire to marry at any cost.

Idealization of sex often occurs as a result of discussion between peers. Someone has sex, and you do not have - is not a reason for the strongest emotions? Or you have it, but not so, as shown in pornographic videos or brag about how buddies (or girlfriend) - also a good excuse for feelings. Religious and political leaders impose their ideals, as a result of which many people are immersed in a strong condemnation of the Gentiles (the idealization of religion), or supporters of other political ideas (the idealization of reason or control). In general, society is hung on our own program, which we then unconsciously trying to work out. And if we fail to achieve what we have adopted as their personal goal, then there are strong feelings. The selected destination is an idealization with all the ensuing consequences.

 The influence of literature and media

A very big impact on our lives have different sources of media. For example, the movie constantly imposes on us an idea of how to live a "real man" - to have your house, car, family and other attributes of a beautiful life. In the end, the audience produced a strong dissatisfaction with their reality, ie, idealized lifestyle. Fashion designers and fashion designers usually have a specific sexual orientation, to impose on society the ideal of female beauty as a woman skinny, tall and with big breasts. The nature of these almost does not, however, millions of women plunged into worries about their appearance, ie, the trendsetters have created a massive idealization of the exterior. Women rushed to adjust itself under this ideal, as a result of which benefited only the sellers of slimming and plastic surgeons.

Books are also imposed on us different ideals of conduct. Romantic books generate a high desire and romantic relationships. It is generally good, but when dealing with reality, sometimes there is a strong condemnation of the people, ie idealization of relationships, etc. In general, people are always ready to get some external instructions and guidance that they perceive as the only true. And then, when dealing with reality, arise to claim that reality.

 Innate instincts

Another source is the appearance of idealizations in our prehistoric past. Despite the incredibly complex device object called a "man", it should be noted that he is descended from some animals. And it's origin is manifested in his behavior, conscious or unconscious. It is that part of the acts people perform under the influence of instincts: the instinct of procreation, the herd instinct, the instinct of survival, etc. The instinct of procreation makes women unconsciously choose a husband man, showing outward signs vysokorangovogo male, and then there are experiences that He did not meet their expectations, ie there is an idealization of the family.

The same instinct drives men to enter into contact with many women, and eventually emerge mutual claims, ie, idealization. Herd instinct compels people struggling to help their relatives, even if they are requested to do so and that too often leads to long-term experiences. Instinct for survival makes men unconsciously climb higher and higher on the stairs of social success, earning more and more money to spend while they are no longer able to. It is clear that in this way can easily obtain the idealization of money, their abilities and any other idealization. As an idealization - it is some idea that people unconsciously attaches too great importance, there are many sources of the emergence of these ideas. Set of ideals we have as a child from parents and significant for us men, from books and movies, from personal negative experiences. This is all acquired during the life of idealization.
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