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Where are the trouble

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Where are the trouble?

How, then, seems to be a reasonable person can create yourself something with which afterwards he will heroically fight? Where are the trouble? turns out, there are many such ways. Consider them in more detail.

Fears, doubts

One of the most common way of ordering his trouble - endless scrolling in mind various fears and doubts. As you know, life always strives to fulfill our wishes, no matter how strange they may be, - this mechanism, we will consider in detail the second part of the book. Here we only state that if an infinitely thinking about some trouble, sooner or later they will have you going to happen. With fear and doubt, you would like the order for yourself and get the same thing from what diligently trying to get away. And what people are usually afraid of? Basically, stay out of work or no money, ill get into a catastrophe, to be alone. That is what most of them sooner or later gets. Asked - get ... and say no thanks.

There is another kind of impassioned appeals to life - to such trouble happened to your child or loved one, but fortunately, the orders in relation to other people usually do not occur (otherwise, most babies just do not have survived - many fear they are experiencing relatively fussy parents and grandparents). But here in relation to himself orders usually come true. If a long and passionate dream (ie, shaking with fear) that you get fired from work, then you have to face is literally written in anticipation of this event. And of course, your plea will be accepted other people, who will try to make sure that you are no longer in pain. Dreamed of - get and enjoy the ability to shape their own events. Unfortunately, unnecessary.

Unconscious benefits
What kind it may be the benefits? Very different. You can get free from some obligation or time to relax, to have the opportunity to engage in self-development, and cry all of his unhappy fate, or just do not change, because it requires effort, you can indulge your fear or laziness, etc. Benefits is a huge amount, so you can not be limited to only five. If you do this exercise correctly, without guile in front of him and his angelic wings pridelyvaniya, then you understand how your benefit that your poser is not solved! You are in a rush! You retrieve the current situation with unsolved mass gains without thinking about this!

We declare that we want to get a result. And actually we do not want to change anything, because the status quo as usual, predictable, and even gives some benefits. Can I this something to do? And really, what to do with the hidden benefits that you used to carefully pushed into the depths of his subconscious and suddenly dragged into the light? And now you understand what they are blocking you way to the desired objectives? The answer is simple - make a fully informed choice: you have more? Your freedom or marriage with possible restriction? Make informed choices and take it easy. Well any choice if he will give you peace of mind. You can not go wrong, your every decision - the right one from all possible that whatever is said about it the people around, and whatever doubts you either threw your inner critic. You will find only a success!

 Low rank in the value system

The following situation is ordering his trouble is that you unknowingly attracts the fact that value is high. And unknowingly waive the fact that you are not very important, but what you may quite sincerely seek to externally influenced by commitments to family, pressure from public opinion and other external factors. To understand what is at stake, right now, do the following exercise.

Exercise "My value system"

Think about that for you in life is important, what values do you think is very significant. Selection of potential values can be very large: money, family, love, work, children, self-actualization, health, poverty, adrenaline, creativity, creation, development, power, beauty, sex and sports, his home, security, passion, spirituality and more another. And if not? If your true goals lie in the field of creativity, spirituality and self, and you set a goal to earn a lot of money - to family ceased to reproach you, or to help abandoned animals. Be granted if this is your goal? Very doubtful, because the money in your value system is not among the places. To put it simply, they will not really need. So you do not get them and, despite all your cares and attempts to earn large sums.

In the same way with other untrue values. You can try to learn English or to recover from some disease, but if you really do not care (or even not at all), the results are quite distressing. And it will continue for as long as you do not consciously move this value to a higher place in the list of your valuables. And not just rewrite it in there, but sincerely imbued importance to you of this goal - and begin to devote more attention and time. If it does not, then life will fulfill your other desires, true. But these seemingly declared, will not run - you do not need. You actually ask the lives of others, and it performs these true orders.

 Low self-esteem

This is a very common situation in which low self-esteem is a powerful obstacle to the desired result. Life as it reads your inner confidence: "I am not worthy of big money (power, position, love, etc.), it's not for me, this is for some other people. To have this, you must have been born elsewhere, in another family, etc. - and sells it. And your external calls and weak perturbations on the receipt of the application result not take life seriously. It works off your main internal program: "I am not worthy of what the anxious" - and correctly implement it. What is the solution of this situation? He is very simple. We must realize that what you have now, very closely matches your self-esteem. You stand as much as getting right now! Do you have a life in which you unconsciously think yourself worthy! You created it all for yourself!

 Uncontrolled of speech

How to discover your hidden beliefs that block the achievement of this goal? One of the ways - to draw attention to his speech, as our hidden programs appear exactly in it. Have you ever ever attention to what turns of speech from just a rich Russian (or any other) language you choose? Often in your speech there are words: "the problem", "stalemate," "headache", "solid hemorrhoids", "a fear", "everything is useless," and so on? So, what words are prevalent in your vocabulary, then you are going to have in your reality. You have a lot of problems in the language - it means you are waiting for them in life, and they will appear. What is the solution to this situation? We have already called it: "filter Bazaar not only in my head, but in the language.

 That you choose in life

Each of us creates our personal reality, and only depends on you, what would be your life. If it does not suit you, then take the first step to change it: Stop focusing on the negative. Try the force, with gnashing teeth and a clear aversion to search for life is something good. First, you will be nauseated by this, but then nothing, feel better. And you'll find that life is not so bad as you thought before. That it has many wonderful things that took place earlier by you. And now it is a good will "stick" with you, and your life will automatically change for the better. And it does not depend on government, law, evil eye, bad karma and other external factors. And just what exactly from the variety of life you will attract. Start looking for a good life, and it will offer it to you more and more.
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