Where can I be dating?
Cafe, crepes, bars, eatery - it's the most ideal place for a first date, you just need to look at the girl and check whether you have continued with it at all, does it make sense to spend more time on it. The greatest advantage of a cafe - is that at any time, pay and leave, if something goes wrong, as you wish.
Parks, forests, recreation places, too, a good place for a first date. Just porazmyat legs. Or sit and look at nature. It depends on women. Some girls would die of boredom from this date, if you do not podogreesh their own behavior. And some will be happy romantic walk, which always is important to insert the proportion of sexuality and debauchery. Nothing prevents you dirty harassing her and popristavat to it. The main thing that it was fun and you will receive from this high. This state is passed to a woman as if she belonged to it either.

Parachutes - who jumped with a parachute, he knows what might happen after that, and usually occurs if a guy you like and what you want the girl went together to jump. There have sex under every bush, regardless of how well the young men and women knew each other. Because emotions such as during a jump with a parachute, emboss nafig all secondary, leaving some instincts, especially if the person jumps the first few times. Therefore, as a means of seduction - a great way. True, he did not love him. If, in order to seduce the girl, every time I jumped, then I think I would have been an instructor of high-end jump ...
Dilute it ... Did you hear how women throw men to the invitation to the cinema, restaurant, theater? So, we'll do the same. For what? Not to live at the expense of women. Many idiots are thinking: "If I go to the cinema at its expense, then I'll Alphonse!" It is important that it is as much invested in you, and the more it invests, the more you mean to her. Tell me, you've often heard that the girl would invite a guy in a movie, buy him gifts? Flowers? No! Not often. And to whom they usually do? Only the most beloved, most unusual guys. It does not lead everyone he met in the movie, so if you got it from this, it means that you can draw the appropriate conclusions.
Clothing stores - as does my friend. "I have an idea! Did you ever bought a guy thing? I would be pleased if you bought me what you like, what do you prefer that to me was the clothes that you gave me part of you. " I have often used this way. When she does this, the effect is stunning. She falls in love immediately! In particular, if you apply the technology to create love in full measure. Zoo - a good way to spend time. It will be fun.
Her hobbies ... Use after sex. Interested in her hobby. If the girl loves and understands the art, then tell her: "I have in this do not understand, honestly, so if you invite me and tell me something interesting, I will be happy!" When a woman shares her hobby, she gives herself , you only need to enter or to pretend that you love her hobby. What's good, she will try to captivate your topic and try to please you. This is important because in passing it, "podsyadet" at you.
Matches - an unusual and kryshesnosnoe place. For a woman to be fun to cheer and poorat! Bring that she invited you to the match! great place where you can assign a date! cinema - like all women. The film helps to develop feelings. Any movie is good thing to have emotions.
Not a good place to not talk and did not get close. This place can be full of anyone: drunken assholes, lesbian, drugs, etc. Until you go to toilet, your girl may try to remove and greatly befoul her mood. So do not take her out to a disco. The only exception - it is when you master a dance. I have friends who are just so offended. They leave the dance floor, and all run away from how they start welling break dance or dance in the style of depraved hustle. All the attention focused on the club for them, and a woman very happy. It amazes her, and she falls in love only because around 20 more of the same guys only look at them like a guru on the dance floor, adoring eyes. So if you're really cool to dance, a date at the club - this is your theme.
Family Holidays
Never go only after six months of sex and relationships, and even then I do not advise. Because how you react to the family, never predict, but it is for girls important factor. But if you ocharuesh her mom and dad are no longer apertures, and you just marry.
Friends - nafig
If she wants to come up with boyfriends or girlfriends on a date - in the garden! It will only interfere. Why do you have left are people who will distract you from the process of rapprochement with her?