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Where did the potency

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Where did the potency?

Marlene Dietrich said: "No matter how much I have in my life have been men, it is important how life was in my men." And it is absolutely true! How can that be if the man of your dreams lost his virility? Most importantly - do not panic! Do not blame him or herself all the more! It is absolutely pointless and very harmful. Where did the potency? Yes, it did not go anywhere, around the world today is very widespread phenomenon of "false impotence. Most likely, this is your case.

False impotence arises not because of physical problems or violations of the organism, but because of psychological fatigue, stress and anxiety. How can you help dear? First, Do not push him. Aggressive attempts to seduce him "at any price" at this stage will bring some disappointments. Arrange his evening, and preferably the whole weekend of relaxation. Light the candles and incense sticks. Dial a hot bath, vzbey foam. Turn on slow relaxing music. You can even put the disc in a series of "Sounds of Nature", which is especially good for the nervous system.

Let your boyfriend to take a bath, and she at that time prepare a light nutritious supper. When he comes, offer him a relaxing massage. With the use of aromatic oil (preferably lavender, sandalwood or rose). Not erotic! And it is relaxing! Man must understand that all this is done not in order that he finally was able to do sex with you, but for him to rest and calm down and regained consciousness after countless stress at work. You can even just to say to him: "Darling, do not expect today to sex. This night will be devoted to relaxation. "
The most interesting thing is that from such statements vast majority of men instantly forget about the former weakness and begin to actively be on the warpath. If you get just a little can posoprotivlyatsya to begin to fuel a little more his. If all the proposed procedures you boyfriend collapsing into bed and loudly zahrapit not get upset. Apparently, he's really pretty tired and needed a good long rest. Let him gain strength. And only if the problem of male impotence has already lasted more than a few months and even quality vacation does not solve the case, should consult a doctor.
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