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Where it is not necessary to take a favorite

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Where it is not necessary to take a favorite

Representatives of the male species and shops ... This combination is probably not only a favorite, but already beaten the topic for jokes and all sorts of funny stories. Jokes, being essentially folk wisdom, contain many observations of life, and even so it is sometimes worth to listen to them. My advice to you, lovely lady: do not take you own representative male breed with them to the shopping. You get something with what incomparable pleasure, choosing products and shopping, and he - quite the contrary. And it is the difference in male and female psychology: beautiful half of humanity is experiencing a pleasant feeling of euphoria, making choices, or simply strolling along the endless rows of stores, and a strong floor that can not tolerate. Where it is not necessary to take a favorite , so this is shop.

Of course, often after a shopping bag may be too heavy. But nobody calls you refuse help men with leaving the store. Not only possible but also necessary that he met you and taken out of your delicate and fragile handle gravity, having participated in such a way in the final stage of the event. Just do not forget as if casually mention how hard you would have had without his help and generally male power, and your pet will happily whine and wag his tail. We all have relatives, and most of them probably are familiar with your preferred choice. And anyway, and their relationship to support all the same accounts, and therefore must at least occasionally make visits to relatives.
 Make them accompanied by favorite or not, this is a controversial issue. On the one hand, you are now one family, but on the other - answer yourself honestly, whether the relatives and share your sympathy and even passionate feelings for your pet? Unfortunately, experience shows that in almost any circle has a sibling cousin aunt (my aunt twice removed), or anyone else who does not approve of and therefore does not like the second half of their group. And if you are in this case is not a happy exception, my advice - stop joint visits with her own favorite, or at least reduce them as much as decency allows.

However, if you dislike the man is experiencing one of the closest relatives to understand the situation still stands. I can not guarantee that you will succeed, but negotiations can be considered valid if you come to a compromise. It lies in the fact that your family will not openly show their negative feelings toward your two-legged friend. In the end, tell them that, by behaving improperly in relation to your chosen one, they insult you too. The same applies to your friends. I understand that sometimes a choice between family, friends, on the one hand, and your man can be called difficult, if not painful, and this issue is beyond the scope of this publication.

As for celebrations at work , it is now fashionable to corporate events are announced, whether to be alone or come with his companions. If the second half of the employees are invited, then why do not you show off his beloved? Often, however, such events are organized to teambuilding and strengthening of team spirit, so the presence of foreign actors on them undesirable. But on a visit to the nature excursions, theaters, concerts, dancing, restaurants and entertainment for all sorts of activities go together easily. Joint walk only strengthen the relationship.
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