Where to go feeling?
They say that love lives of three years. And then? Of course, the real man of your dreams to love you forever! But what if your love "the battery has? Over time, feelings blunted. Unfortunate, but fixable. Especially hard when you're still losing your mind on it, and he has somewhat lost interest in you. Instead of hundreds of romantic sms per day, he sends only one and that: "With a dog, do not forget to take a walk" or "Buy kefir. Colors you see only the eighth of March. A three magic words "I love you" and ceased to hear at all. Where uhodyat feelings? What can we do? Is it possible that your love out shelf life? And how can we refresh cooled feelings?
The first way - play on nostalgia. Arrange it a romantic evening. Go to that restaurant, where they were on their first date, or go on the Square, where she first saw each other. You can then go to a romantic place where you were in the heyday of your love. Nostalgia and happy memories that arise when listening to "your" song, etc., may be necessary shake-up that allows to awaken feelings of the rescued.
Very often, the extinction of love primarily affects the intimate life. After all, sex - is a barometer of relations. If sex became increasingly rare, and monotonous, it's time to think about. Do not panic ahead of time! Sometimes the attraction in the pair may be reduced due to objective reasons: a hard week at work, poor health, low immunity and even the weather changes. But if you do not feel the old spark a long period - it's time to take action. Excellent results can be achieved through role-playing games! To be reincarnated for one night in a strict teacher, nurse, or flirtatious, or the girl with the red-light streets. Try to change beyond recognition. You can wear the wig and become a blonde, you can use contact lenses and look at his violet eyes. Importantly, do not take cool feeling as a sort of tragedy. On the contrary, let it be an incentive for you! You re-conquer and enchants her man. Again, there is reason to look like a million and behave like a real sex bomb. Enjoy the ignition process of the old feelings. Another couple poleshek, to throw into the fire of passion, and your emotions are playing with renewed vigor!
A man of your dreams should not lie!
Marilyn Monroe sang that girl's best friend - diamonds. But in the course of technological progress priorities have changed, and today most of the fair sex dream not of useless stones, but about practical, indispensable to the economy of a lie detector! A man of your dreams should not lie! It must be the embodiment of honesty and sincerity! But your boyfriend has already developed in themselves, these two qualities? You do not know? And have no idea whether to believe him or not? Do not despair! Here's a little cheat sheet that will allow you to learn to recognize the lie in his words and to determine for itself the degree of his sincerity is not worse than a lie detector!
Here are the signs by which we can determine that he is lying to you:
- Gestures associated with touch to the face. For example, he scratches his eye, or rubbing his chin, or trying to cover his mouth his hand;
- He can rub his eyes, as though he were there that something horrible;
- Or scratching the tip of the nose and cleft upper lip;
- Touching the neck and attempts to pull at the collar of clothes may also indicate his insincerity;
- Very often false words are accompanied by a light, a bit unnatural to cough.
Another way to understand what your boyfriend thinks - is to read his mind. It is not true that people with shifty eyes - inveterate liars. On the contrary, a person can spin a lie, honestly look you straight in the eye. By the movement of his eyes, you can determine what his thoughts are directed.
If a person looks up to the left - he remembers what a visual picture.
If you right up, he is, or comes up with some kind of visual picture.
If the left side, he remembers whose is the word.
If the right side, he picks up the words to express his thought.
If left down, he discusses what is or arguing with himself.
If you right down, he recalls his feelings (as a rule, the tactile nature).
However, if your favorite - left-handed, he may be the mirror inverse of the views.