Whether he is ready to make you a surprise?
Did you get ever a bouquet of flowers from your lover just like that, without provocation? Not a birthday, not the Eighth of March, not after a strong argument, but in normal weekday when it's perfect weather, blue sky, the birds are filled by inspiration in the flower stalls - roses, gladiolus, chrysanthemums, and in the hands of your loved one - bunch of bells. Where?
Women in the blood of their need for gifts. They just pose as his beloved something gives, but not before agreeing: "I told you on your birthday - a cool mobile phone, and you give me - Chanel № 5. Going? "No, much more interesting to get an unexpected gift when they least expect, when you and without it as well, and with it - twice as nice. A man in love is easy to go out of town and pick bluebells in the field, not because there is no money, but because his beloved terribly fond of these bells, but they never sell. Lover is not difficult to get up at six o'clock in the morning to cook breakfast, despite the fact that he does not know how to cook, but to surprise turned out, he asked my mother how to whip cream, and specifically bought fresh strawberries.
If this is your chosen one is not a virtue, then why not become thoughtful: Is very much in love your partner, or he's just pretending, and shows a sincere feeling? Lovers so arranged that they have only one thing on his mind - how to double, triple and multiply the portion of the happiness of a loved one. To find out if your boyfriend is sincere with you, try the experiment: whether he is ready to make you a surprise?

Just do not ask directly - like flowers or breakfast in bed. To start suggest to him that you do not mind getting an unexpected gift from him: Rejoice abundance of flowers on the streets of the city would envy a girl with a bouquet in his hands and dragged her boyfriend on a romantic melodrama with Richard Gere, who teach your favorite lesson in conquering women's hearts, try to unobtrusively to mention your passion for the white lilies and wildflowers. If your precious realized what all these hints, and give you a welcome bouquet, then congratulations - it has been tested on the strength of his feelings, but if not, then maybe he just does not feel for you so passionate feeling, which you away waiting for or just can not express it.
Try to assess the degree of originality to your beloved. In love with a man should strive to surprise you with something to present you with a gift that you never received, or do it some special way. Have you noticed that it gives you extraordinary gifts, surprises you every day with only one purpose - to make you smile. If he had not slept all night and wrote a long poem in your honor, only you to believe in his sincerity, then you can call it passionately in love with you man. If he bought gifts and neoriginalen then you should doubt his sincerity to you.