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Whether to offer the children to share

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Whether to offer the children to share?

Habit stamped teaching - children need to learn to share. All. Always. Actually, there's nothing wrong: the child does not live alone in the house, he was not alone in the group. But is not there in our desire to grow will certainly sympathetic collectivist other extreme - to deny the right of the child's property and to secure their own living space? Why do adults "all its own, and the children" all things in common? whether to offer the children to share? Thus, children can be forced to share, stepping through their feelings and desires - to work force. But then it is not surprising that becoming older and more accustomed to submit to force, they will stick to this strategy: either to unconditionally surrender their belongings on demand hooligan bonehead, or act of force against other children.

What to do?

First of all, to think, not to succumb to their own immediate feelings and not to use stereotypes, because:

In the early vozrastedeti probably not ready to wholeheartedly share his toys, objects - they are for children, tangible sensual desired value.
At the age of 3-4 letigrushki, subjects make sense to become aware of personal space: "I," "mine."

In 4-5 letnaznachenie toy or object, including - to be a means of establishing partnerships with other people.

In 5-6 years, it is also a way to identify their personality traits, achievement, dignity.

Given these age-related features, as well as taking into account the particularities of individual (family relationship to the things of the child, for example) and the traditions of the group (but not your person), children can be arranged.

With a young child: "Of course, this is your machine. Dima's machine. Dima machine plays. When Dima play with typewriter, we will ask Nicky machine. Dai, Dima, play typewriter Cole. The problem is that the child has no ability to correctly declare their wish. Need a sample.

With children 3-4 years old: "This is Olina pencils. Olga is a good girl. If we politely ask that she allow us to show off with it. " Each child of this age it is important to be nice. The more so because you do not offer just to give you propose to show off together. Do not go away immediately. However - and this is with you too.

For children 4-6 letlogika roughly the same: to emphasize confirm the child's right to object - it will calm passions. Then indicate the reason for this law - it will give respect "owner" to you and the applicant to the "owner" will understand the reasons for resistance. "Sasha's machine. Sasha collects race cars. He knows a lot of names. Let's ask him to tell me what is the fastest. " Do not leave children at once - Stay with them, it will give positive impetus to the promotion of the parties.

Long? Yes. But only shorter than the path of war, where victims will be all.
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