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Whether to re educate the man

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Whether to re-educate the man?

Men are simple. Like all simple creatures, they are incredibly stubborn. Sometimes he is struck by his own imagination. As can be stubborn pereupryamit? Anyway, do not talk. And this is another woman's confusion and female tragedy. You are trying to convince us or re-during a conversation. And every time bump into a wall. I will start from afar. Talking to a man - is always trying to convince someone of the correctness of his opinion. We transform every conversation into an argument. Otherwise, we are not very interesting. We are everywhere you want competition ... and win, of course. If the case does not apply to cast fiery speech in which we can showcase their remarkable abilities. But it ultimately turns out to be just an attempt to beat someone. We not only share our thoughts, as trying to force another person to think the same way.

This and related to the result of a call: If you can convince your opponent, the conversation was a success. If not - the result is negative. In the discussion we are stubborn, like sheep, and neprobivaemy as frontal armor of the tank. This is not from innate stupidity. This ferocious desire to win a bet. We do not even really matter then people will do as we say. Much more important that he agreed with our opinion. How can it have such hands, the hope that you talk to him and he will understand? Aware of and fix? It is at least naive. And then stupid. We are stubborn, like a herd of donkeys.

 And what is most contrary to our stubbornness - proving his innocence, we rely solely on logic. And it is such a tricky thing with which we can easily prove that the black - it is white. In this we are very strong. That is, at times resembles a donkey, which proves conclusively that he is not ass. And their evidence could breeze drive mad anyone. "Well, what?" - Outraged you .- "And this is - we say .- So, so and so." "And after all, like, all right" - not sure you .- "What!" - We will triumph. "But this is wrong, in my opinion ..." - crying for you ... And so almost always.

We did not talk to rehabilitate. Even the most advanced. There are all sorts of happy exceptions. (Byvayut. But this is exactly the case when exceptions only prove the rule.) I'm not talking about those cases where you want to convince the man in the need to lift the toilet seat. This can be achieved with words. But if you convince him that he does not appreciate you, and pays little attention because it is inconsiderate ... This useless. Ultimately, he proves to you that you simply can not stand attention. And not because he really thinks so. (Actually, not only because of that.) Show he did not want to lose. And admit they were wrong - it means to lose. It is unpleasant and a bit humiliating.

No need to say that smart people are able to admit they're wrong, unlike the stupid and infantile male adolescents. It's all sewn with white thread. Most likely, the smart just somehow have learned to put up with such small lesions. They are smart enough not to show the form that they hurt. And then, you've seen a lot of smart men? That's just it ... something has to live with a simple, average man. Will not help in this complicated case and hints. We do not understand - this time. We feel trapped when they realized what you're driving it all the time - that's two. This is what I have already spoken.
When we feel that the whole conversation was started only to have to re, we get angry. Caught! And how stupid! Terrible situation. An urgent need to save their self-esteem ... Many women claim that men are worn with the Scriptures as his bag with his sexual organ. Nothing like that. We are so nosimsya with their self-esteem. A member - only one of its components. So, when this self is in danger, we are starting to behave like a tusker, cornered. That is prem ahead, threatening hryukaya and sweeping away everything in its path. The benefit of forces we can not borrow.

Whether to re-educate the man? " Do not try to dig our pit, hoping to please it, we will review immediately their actions. That will not happen. Conversation with a man - a dangerous thing. Talk, based on the logic that is difficult to you, and if she starts to appeal to the feelings and conscience - man immediately end the conversation. As you already know of such options, he tries to escape. The only possible way - to give us food for thought and leave us alone for some time. Voiced their complaints and suggestions (if possible, in a milder form), having previously understood that it is not expecting us to immediate action - and calmly wait.

Grain has been abandoned, let it rise. We all digest it internally, and perhaps try something to alter. To argue to a dispute to prove their case is useless. Even harmful. The harder you push, the more we will resist. Reluctance to play will make us even deny the obvious. But if your pride, stubbornness, stupidity require that man immediately raised his legs up and recognizes your right - you will be disappointed. Maybe the scandal.
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