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While waiting for the stork

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While waiting for the stork

The girls, who managed to turn her boyfriend in a legal spouse, usually some time feel heroines. But only until then, until there comes time to turn legitimate spouses in happy fathers ... all women know, children - the flowers of life. Well, why do men have no idea about it. How many glorious and brave the stronger sex, you can easily scare the prospect of fatherhood. Often the men pulled up to the last time, saying that they "need to prepare for this" and that "they themselves are still children." Unfortunately, the girls did not have much time left and there boyfriends rumpled and deliberate, in their second halves, in anticipation of a stork , does the biological clock is ticking. How, finally, to cope with the eternal masculine fears to have a baby and become a complete family?
First, find out why a man so drawn to fatherhood. If the reason seems good to you (for example, he wants to earn more money to make it easier to secure the future offspring) - Do not push him. Let earns. That is his right. It turns out that he himself thinks of procreation, just wants to morally and financially to prepare for it. Try to allay his fears. Explain that the children - not just little screaming bags that are not allowed to sleep, live, work and constantly need care / feeding / diaper changing. Child - now joy of parenthood. And if it is right to look after him, and skillfully educate, the child crying day and night you will not hear.

As an experiment, you can ask someone from married friends to invite you to visit. Your lover will be able to see with my own eyes, that having a child can carry quite a rich life, chat with friends, invite them to visit and almost anything not to limit yourself. Would be great if you confidence to sit together with somebody is a child. You will be able to try on the role of parents and see how you really ready for this.

For example, in the recent past, I myself to death, scared to have kids. I always thought it was a terrible burden. And here's how you my friends asked me to follow for their young children. It's been three years by twin brothers Daniel and Nikita. The first five minutes I felt quite shy, but quickly relaxed. Nikita immediately became interested in my long hair and asked for permission to comb me. Polvechera we had played a hairdresser, that was pretty funny. Daniel a couple of times tried to attack me a plastic sword, but when I invite him to tell the tale, as he immediately calmed down, put a toy gun and began to listen. In short, everything was not scary ...
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