White lie?
We have already talked about what is true and too much honesty is sometimes too great risk to their relationship. And what about lying? So this is definitely a risk. After all, cheating can always open up. And still no "white lie". How to distinguish it from the usual high-risk, destructive lies? In fact, the classification of lies a little more complicated and extensive than just a lie and white lie. Consider all types of lies and estimate their riskiness for the relationship.
1. Stupid lies. These are things that we have time, without thinking, and then, when the deception is revealed, we find ourselves in a very comical situation. For example, to get acquainted with a guy, you are lying, I adore football. And then feel like an idiot when he enthusiastically began to discuss last season in Super League. Of course, long led him by the nose you will not work. Should he say something like: "I heard that Kasparaitis would play this year for Russia? You, by the way, by chance you do not know for which club he will play? ", Then that you are most likely prokoleshsya. And the result? Risk of almost one hundred percent, but even if your deception is not revealed, what is thy victory? The fact that you can now open around the clock to talk about hockey? Not worth powder and shot.
2. The status lies. It is used to show more successful than it really is, man. This tricks in the style of a good bluff more than money. " For example, tell him you're a model or a business woman. This raises the risk of being not only exposure, but the risk to frighten off potential suitor. Not every man is ready to be with a successful woman. Perhaps you, the words "model" or "businesswoman" seem magical. And for him, quite possibly, it is translated as "a girl of easy virtue with delusions of grandeur" and "arrogant Bogaten'ka domineering bitch." Such a lie can scare. Admit it, it's very annoying!

3. white lie . This so-called species noble lies. Contrary to popular belief, it is not always positive. For example, your new lover turned out to be terrible in bed, but that did not hurt his fragile sexual ego, you are lying, that he was "the best" and that it was "amazing"! We do not urge you to refuse such polite language and truth-hack the uterus in the face: "You pathetic impotent!" Etc. Just send a man must tread lightly in the right direction. For example, say: "Well, for starters bad! Just imagine what will happen when we get to know the body and sexual preferences to each other. Personally, I love ... "and further, you can safely describe what you love and expect from him. You can add: "You budish me so much fantasy, with you I want to not just have sex and do superoralnym, anal, sadomazoekstremalnym sex", etc.