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White water lily from the evil eye damage

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White water lily from the evil eye, damage

In the lily white people called the mastery-grass. Koren, worn on the body, protects against witches and sorcerers.

• Decoction of the roots helps with toothache, and poisoning.

• Shredded dry root is added to the dough when baking bread.

• Leaves and flowers are being collected in June and July, cure migraines and vertigo. Fresh leaves applied for pain in his head, and if they dry, then in favor.

• Decoction of seeds helps with insomnia, cramps and dizziness.

• Decoction of root taken for papillomoze bladder tumors of different etiology.

• The loss of hair wash his head in a warm decoction of leaves lilies.

• Syrup of water lilies helps with inflamed meninges.

• Park of flowers and leaves help with vitiligo.

• taken inside a large quantity of decoction of the roots inhibits sexual potency in men.

• Decoction of flowers and root soothes the nervous system, evokes a dream.

• Decoction of the roots dry out the plague of light, it helps with diseases of the bladder and a burning sensation when urinating. It stops diarrhea.
• Root Nymphaea benefit from hot tumors, particularly tumors of the spleen, is reducing cough.

• Ground water lily leaves and flowers in the form of medicinal bandages are useful from the spleen of the tumor. Decoction of the roots helps with emission, as well as chronic diarrhea and ulcers in the intestines.

The harmful effect of water lily white eliminates jam carrot. Her substitute is violet tricolor.
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