Who am I - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water or Wood?
Feng Shui is based on the principle of the relationship of five elements - fire, earth, metal, water and wood. My friends, look at all that surrounds you. All these hundreds of items made it out of the five elements. Even people who belong to any of them. That is, someone of you has the character and propensities "fire" of children, someone - a "timber", etc. This knowledge will help mom and dad to make your life quite good. Each of you probably wonder: Who am I - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water or Wood? Let's define your personality type: fire, earth, metal, water or wood.
You can define your item and the last digit of your year of birth. For example, if you were born in 1998, then look at the last digit of 8, and if in 1997 - guided by the number 7, etc. Look closely at the plate. In her first column, you will find the last digit of your year of birth. A second column - your personal item.
The latter figure, the element of Your birthday
0Yan Metal
1In Metal
2 Yang Water
3 Yin Water
4 Ian Wood
5 Yin Wood
6 Yang Fire
7 Yin Fire
8 Jan Land
9 Yin Earth
Information for parents. And now let me present to you the characteristics of the individual element children.
Personality of Fire
Favorite season: Summer.
Emotional characteristics: a strong need for vigorous activity and communication. "Fire" kids do not hesitate to put themselves at risk to cause excitement. They are characterized by mood swings from the cheerful to the oppressed, they quickly delve into everything and perform most tasks with a hunt, love to have their desires satisfied immediately. They loudly claim that they need.
Personality traits: a well-developed speech, the desire to participate in public life and to feel their indispensability, charm, diplomacy and flexibility combined with the surface frivolity and inconstancy.
Planet: Mars - a symbol of dynamism, enthusiasm and activity. It gives the ability to attract and seduce a penchant for strong feelings, sociability and companionable nature.
Psychological portrait (seen at an older age): a solution to their problems, they readily shift to other, and why are overly dependent on others. "Fire" all children tend to dramatize, but in any reproach against them - immediately concede. Encourage your children: start to control their emotions. For example, in difficult times learn to breathe deeply and relax. Do not wait for approval from others and do not strive at any cost to please everyone - it's impossible and not necessary. Learn to be yourself.
Physical form: "fiery" Children need plenty of oxygen to the blood circulation and intense struggle with a sudden hunger. They are encouraged to be smaller in a closed room, four walls. Encourage your child to move more and periodically recuperate in a calm atmosphere, for example, reading books.
Personality of the Earth
Favorite season: summer's end.
Emotional characteristics: a love of solitude, silence, peace and intellectual work. These children can hide behind the mother, slowly and methodically pulled over objects.
Personality traits: a continuing need for harmony, to achieve that interferes with self-doubt.
Planet: Saturn - symbol of punctuality, honesty, and constancy. He gives ambition, a tendency to abstraction, responsibility, love for order and discipline, passion for learning.
Psychological portrait (seen at an older age): do not expect from them, that they will abandon the old toys and will happily try new dishes, because children with personality, corresponding to the element earth, feel safe, when all the repeats and all of them familiar. "Excavation" Children tend to absorb any matter not just good, but in perfection. They sincerely want to help everyone.
Encourage your children: do not overload your daily schedule. Be sure to leave time for any enjoyable for yourself affairs. Accept yourself for who you are. Concentrate on actual plans.
Physical form: "earth" students should not overload the nervous system. Otherwise, it may have problems with health, for example migraine, insomnia, cardiovascular and skin diseases, pains in muscles and joints.
Personality Metal
Favorite season: Fall.
Emotional characteristics: a tendency to melancholy and sadness. The need for warm and close relationship. Metal - it is an element of intelligence. These kids can outsmart the other, where it is necessary to calculate and plan. "Metal" Children show talents in chess, one grows, scientists, researchers and writers.
Personality traits: immersion in your own inner world and dreaminess, romanticism, imagination.
Planet: Venus - symbol of emotion, sensuality and sociability. It gives a love of comfort and peace, respect for rules of etiquette, as well as the desire for beauty.
Psychological portrait (seen at an older age): calm and stubborn children. Sometimes they can be slow and non-punctual.
Encourage your children: often take the initiative.
Physical form: "metal" children need material and spiritual security. Lack of time for recovery of strength may lead to excess weight, skin and respiratory illnesses, allergies, insomnia and depression. Encourage your child to think through in advance and organize your leisure, surround yourself with energetic friends to get up early and do physical exercise.
Personality Waters
Favorite season: Winter.
Emotional Characteristics: dreaminess. The slightest neglect makes it tears, it is very vulnerable, but quickly forgets an insult. Sufficient, but it is difficult to control their emotions.
Personality traits: introversion-developed, rigorous self-control. Later during adult life, he may become a person that your friends will pour soul. Possible tendency to pessimism and misanthropy.
Planet: Mercury - symbol of sobriety and skepticism. He gives love to work and study, reading, mathematical ability, logic and psychology.
Psychological portrait: of interest to the people takes precedence over the interest in material things. Child strong-willed, determined, responsible. It is not without spirit of competition and creativity, is able to build up the strategy. Encourage your children: do not dwell on the fact that something can not happen, we would like. This only heightens stress. The best strategy for you - to think about specific ways to solve problems, rather than on possible failures and missteps.
Physical form: usually "water" children lose a lot of water. This can lead to a lack of iron, magnesium, and insomnia. Refer a child to sit down to eat only at certain hours, try not to eat alone and on the go, full bed.
Personality Tree
Favorite season: Spring.
Emotional characteristics: the need to move a lot.
Personality traits: a creative approach combined with a clear mind, not allowing the head to plunge into the world of fantasy and illusion. Penchant for research. "Wooden" children love adventure, not afraid of the unknown, happily learn new things.
Planet: Jupiter - symbol of prestige, goodwill and optimism. He gives a love of comfort, material possessions, a penchant for charity.
Psychological portrait: "wooden" children are not afraid of challenges and try to solve them immediately. They often argue, insist on their own, even going to the conflict in order to defend their own point of view. They need to be loved.
Encourage your children: try to be more tolerant and less touchy. Learn to listen to others and not to insist on whatever was on the right.
Physical form: "wooden" Children need constant physical activity to inhibit insulin and stimulate the body enteramina - the hormone of calm and wellbeing. Refer a child to avoid excessively dry climate, buy him a humidifier. You should get out more often for the city to nature, to the country, fresh air, a breath of fresh air.