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Who am I Yin or Yang

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Who am I - Yin or Yang?

There are passive or hyperactive children. Passive children have Yin qualities, and hyperactive - Yang. If your child is hyperactive, then maybe you should not do it baby too Janska? For example, it is unlikely there would be appropriate poisonous crimson wallpaper depicting leaping and frolicking Disney characters or blinds with large drawings. Must be a balance of Yin - Yang. Or your child has more Yin qualities. In this case, it is not necessary to make out his entire room Yin low furniture, subdued light, pastel tones, wallpaper with small elements of the picture, etc. Again bring the quality of the child and his entourage to the balance sheet.

But in my practice there were cases where the passive and quiet child stretched more to the yang qualities, and, conversely, hyperactive, noisy and restless child for some reason the tests listed below, preferred Yin drawings. You know, right? Dear parents, maybe your child needs to Yang and feels more comfortable in the room, the Yin and Yin child - Janské environment? It is therefore important to include intuition, especially mothers. Listen to the maternal instinct. Intuition'll never let you down!
By the way, the quality of the Yin-child: quiet, absorbed in his thoughts, an inert, inactive, quiet, pensive. Jan-quality child: excited, friendly, energetic, sociable, active, nimble. And now the test for children: Who am I - Yin or Yang? " So, kids, look at the following table. I have brought here the examples and properties of yin and yang. Examine them with their parents.

Yin Yang

Moon Sun

Dark Light

Cold Hot

Quiet Noisy

Indoor Outdoor

Winter Summer


Peace movement

Now look at the pictures and answer a number of standing issues.

1.How side of the picture you like best? On which side of the picture you'd prefer to live?

2.How side of the ball do you like most? With circles or stripes?

3.What do you like drawing?

Unfortunately, the pictures in my book, black and white. But turn on your imagination and imagine that they are colored.

Red pyramid? Plaque? The Orange Box? Green Tree? Blue patterns?

4.Kakim of these animals you want to be?

Turtle, lakomyascheysya cabbage? Poodle jumping through a hoop?

5.What would you like to travel?

On an airplane? On the back of a snail?

6.How picture do you like more?

Girl sleeping on the moon in a starry night? Girl on a swing in the sun?

7.Kakuyu you would choose furniture for your bedroom?

Low cabinet?

Tall cabinet?

8.O than you would be interested to know more?

About clouds? On the cave?

9.Kakaya game you most enjoy?

In the rope? At the checkers?

10.S what you want to be friends?

With only one friend? With the crowd of kids?

Dear parents, the table answers to questions, pointing to the category of yin and yang.

Dear parents, I'm glad that helped you learn and apply the canons of good feng shui. I am glad that you are a responsible attitude towards the future child. It's a blessing - to help their children. It is a joy - to reap the fruits of your efforts where your child will grow up successful, healthy and wealthy. Happiness and prosperity to you!
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